然而,我正在使用Bootstrap-Select的"selectpicker"类,并且在div中的"invalid-feedback"消息不再起作用。 有没有办法强制Bootstrap-Select识别"invalid-feedback"类,或者我必须以不同的方式解决这个问题? - secretagentmango3个回答 3 我找到了如何做到这一点,更普遍地说,这是一个答案,无论何时你必须“手动”强制...
WordPress 技巧:当搜索结果只有一篇时直接跳转到文章页面
is-invalid"> £ <!-- feeback right after input --> can't be blank, is not a number 👍 21 👎 54 Author simmerz commented Aug 15, 2017 @aedart If I do that, it tries to fit in the feedback inside the input-group, which breaks the layout 👍 28 aedart commented...
(error) Input group with success @ (success) Optional icons in horizontal and inline formsInput with success
Most are closed: but are not resolved: .invalid-feedback doesn't show for .input-group with an invalid control twbs/bootstrap#23454 Custom Validation Not Working with Input-Groups twbs/bootstrap#24709 Missing border radius on input group with validation feedback twbs/bootstrap#25110 Bug: For...
message: 'This value is not valid', feedbackIcons: { valid: 'glyphicon glyphicon-ok', invalid: 'glyphicon glyphicon-remove', validating: 'glyphicon glyphicon-refresh' }, submitHandler: fhttp://unction(validator, form, submitButton) {
has-feedback"> Input with error (error) Input group with success @
When displaying a site on an iPad, the sticky header menu does not always function correctly. Sometime the background coloured bar does not get displayed. Awesome product by the way. Many Thanks.Mobirise: Thanks for the feedback. Please update the app to the latest bootstrap slider. There ...
message:'This value is not valid', feedbackIcons: { valid:'glyphicon glyphicon-ok', invalid:'glyphicon glyphicon-remove', validating:'glyphicon glyphicon-refresh'}, submitHandler:function(validator, form, submitButton) { $.post(form.attr('action'), form.serialize(),function(result) {//The re...