想使用 bootstrap + react + webpack + sass 开发项目时, npm install bootstrap -S, 配置 webpack.config.js: {test:/\.scss$/,use:['style-loader','css-loader','postcss-loader','sass-loader']} 入口文件里引用 bootstrap: import'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css'; 一. 报错: ERRORin./nod...
1. 安装bootstrap 由于笔者在写本文时,react-bootstap只支持bootstrap v3 因此,我们需要安装bootstrap v3的特定版本 npm install bootstrap@3.3.7 --save 2. 安装react-bootstrap npm install --save react react-dom npm install --save react-bootstrap 3. 添加css引用 在index.js文件中增加css引用。 import...
Integration between React Router v6 and React Bootstrap. Installation For React Router v6: npm install -S react-router-bootstrap For React Router v4 or v5 (see rr-v4 branch): npm install -S react-router-bootstrap@rr-v4 For React Router v3 or lower (see rr-v3 branch): npm install -S...
First, navigate to the root directory of your React application in the Node.js terminal and run the following command: npm install bootstrap Or, if you are using yarn, use this instead: yarn add bootstrap These commands will install the most ...
Awesome React Bootstrap Components- Additional components like off-canvas navbar, switch and sliders. Local setup Yarn is our package manager of choice here. Check out setup instructionshereif you don't have it installed already. After that you can runyarn run bootstrapto install all the needed...
Bootstrap 5components built withReact. Bootstrap compatibility React-Bootstrap is compatible with various versions of Bootstrap. As such, you need to ensure you are using the correct combination of versions. See the below table on which version of React-Bootstrap you should be using in your pr...
To enablescssin Create React App you will need to installsass. npm install sass Alternatively you may useyarn: yarn add sass To customize Bootstrap, create a file calledsrc/custom.scss(or similar) and import the Bootstrap source stylesheet. Add any overridesbeforethe imported file(s). You ...
npm install -S react-router-bootstrap For React Router v4 or v5 (seerr-v4branch): npm install -S react-router-bootstrap@rr-v4 For React Router v3 or lower (seerr-v3branch): npm install -S react-router-bootstrap@rr-v3 Usage