模板代码(源自purpleTemplate): <!DOCTYPE html> TransformMine <!--partial:partials/_navbar.html -->
$scope.cardInfo = data; }); $scope.clickToOpen = function () { ngDialog.open({ template: 'templateId.html', className:'ngdialog-theme-default ngdialog-theme-plain', scope: $scope, width: '60%', controller:function($scope){ $scope.show = function(){ $scope.closeThisDialog(); //...
Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content. Header Warning card title Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content. Header Info card title Some quick example text to build on the ca...
Po-Portfolio is also a creative agency-style bootstrap gallery template. On the homepage, you have nothing but a gallery section. With this template, you can impress the user with your beautiful images. The hover effects and animation effects are also done well in this template. By default, ...
Get started with Bootstrap, the world’s most popular framework for building responsive, mobile-first sites, with jsDelivr and a template starter page. Quick start Looking to quickly add Bootstrap to your project? Use jsDelivr, provided for free by the folks at jsDelivr. Using a package man...
This tour Sreach Bootstrap Website Template is one of these solutions. Get started and create a simple search box for your clients to quickly find the tour they want. Additionally, this template offers various elegant card designs with reviews that will pop up as the search results....
Free AI Bootstrap Slideshow Template and 9900+ Bootstrap HTML CSS Examples, Pages and Codes. Free Download!
Update:Fixed the card view align style bug. Update:Fixed custom search filter bug if the value is Object. Update:Fixed table border displays bug when setting height. Update:Fixed error when the column events are undefined. Update:Fixed escape column option doesn’t override table option bug. ...
Responsive jumbotron built with the latest Bootstrap 5. A starter template with a full-width centered card at the top. 5️⃣Blog Categories Categories page with the latest Bootstrap 5. A starter template for showing the categories of a given blog, magazine, or other kinds of pages. ...
{$LANG.clientareachoosecontact}: {foreach item=contact from=$contacts} {$contact.name} - {$contact.email} {/foreach} {$LANG.clientareanavaddcontact} <