Decision stumps are often[6] used as components (called “weak learners” or “base learners”) in machine learning ensemble techniques such as bagging and boosting. For example, a state-of-the-art Viola–Jones face detection algorithm employs AdaBoost with decision stumps as weak learners.[7]...
D. Didona and P. Romano, "On bootstrapping ma- chine learning performance predictors via analytical models," 2014. arXiv: :1410.5102v1.Diego Didona and Paolo Romano. "On Bootstrapping Machine Learning Performance Predictors via Analytical Models". In: CoRR abs/1410.5102 (2014)....
As bootstrapping chooses random subsets of observations to create classifiers, there are observations that are left out in the selection process. These "out-of-bag" observations can then be used to evaluate the model, similarly to that of a test set. Keep in mind, that out-of-bag ...
参考 What's the difference between boosting and bagging? Bagging, boosting and stacking in machine learning bootstrap, boosting, bagging 几种方法的联系 发布于 2019-05-03 15:53 机器学习 赞同4添加评论 分享喜欢收藏申请转载 ...
[2] An Introduction to Boosting and Leveraging [3] Machine Learning in Action [美] Peter Harrington [4] 总结:Bootstrap(自助法),Bagging,Boosting(提升)
What is bootstrapping machine learning? To improve the stability of machine learning (ML) algorithms, Bootstrap sampling is used in an ensemble algorithm called Bootstrap aggregating or bagging. In bootstrapping ML, a specific number of equally sized subsets of a data set are extracted with the...
bootstraps plural unaided efforts—often used in the phrase by one's own bootstraps adjective designed to function independently of outside direction : capable of using one internal function or process to control another a bootstrap operation to load a computer carried out with minimum resources ...
which integrates machine learning techniques with knowledge of in-situ workflow structures to enable automated workflow configuration with a limited number of performance measurements. Experiments with real applications show that ALIC identify better configurations than existing methods given a computer time bu...
This article proposes a new method for word translation disambiguation, one that uses a machine-learning technique called bilingual bootstrapping. In learning to disambiguate words to be translated, bilingual bootstrapping makes use of a... C Fillmore,B.S. Atkins - First International Conference ... 【A collective wisdom of many is likely more accurate than any one. Wisdom of the crowd – Aristotle, 300BC-】 ...