在React.js中添加Bootstrap CSS可以通过以下步骤完成: 1. 安装Bootstrap:首先,需要在项目中安装Bootstrap。可以使用npm或者yarn来安装Bootstrap。...
importReact,{Component}from'react'import*asbootstrapfrom'react-bootstrap'classMonkeyCompilerIDEextendsComponent{constructor(props){super(props)}render(){lettextAreaStyle={height:480};return(<bootstrap.Panel header="Monkey Compiler"bsStyle="success"><bootstrap.FormGroup><bootstrap.FormControl componentCla...
To create your basic counter component, navigate to the ./src folder of your React application. In the folder, create a new JavaScript file called Counter.js and populate it with the following code: import React, { useState } from "r...
1:安装bootstrap npm i bootstrap 2:/src/index.js 中加入 import React from "react"; import ReactDOM from"react-dom";//全局引入 bootstrap ,组件中都可以使用bootstrap提供的样式表import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css' import Cmtlist from"./components/Cmtlist"ReactDOM.render(<Cmtlist/>, d...
前端app.js代码, import React, {Component} from 'react'; import '../styles/App.css'; import '../config/config'; import * as bs from "react-bootstrap"; import axios from 'axios'; class App extends Component { url = global.constants.url ...
path: __dirname + "/public",//打包后文件bundle.js存放的地方 filename: "bundle.js"//打包后输出文件的文件名 } } 3.生成Source Maps(使调试更容易) (1)Source Maps是Webpack在打包时可以为我们生成的source maps,为我们提供了一种对应编译 文件和源文件的方法,使得编译后的代码可读性更高,也更容易调...
使用Bootstrap 创建 React 组件 让我们在我们的 React 应用程序中使用 Bootstrap 创建一个简单的导航栏。首先,在文件顶部导入必要的 Bootstrap 组件。 import{Navbar,Nav,Container}from'react-bootstrap'; 1. 接下来,我们可以在 React 组件中使用这些导入的组件: ...
Functions must be exported to be used in other files export default FindMyBadgers; This can then be imported,e.g. import FindMyBadgers from "./components/FindMyBadgers"; import {Card,Button} from "react-bootstrap"; Example1 import {Card,Button} from "react-bootstrap"; ...
接下来介绍一下我用react实现的一个简单实现的Demo:Github Repo 本例采用的是controlled components, 不了解的这个概念的请看这里。 同时,由于bootstrap里的标准form做法是把input包在.form-group里, 这部分可以抽象成一个Dumb组件: import classNames from 'classnames';functionFormGroupText({label, name, type ...
React-Bootstrap is compatible with various versions of Bootstrap. As such, you need to ensure you are using the correct combination of versions. See the below table on which version of React-Bootstrap you should be using in your project. ...