[marvin @Mac]$npm i bootstrap-icons + bootstrap-icons@1.8.1 2.2. 配置icons 为了在html中可以直接通过如下方式使用: 需要在src/styles.scss中添加icon的样式 // 导入bootstrap icons @import '~bootstrap-icons/font/bootstrap-icons'; 测试 在angular工程中的app.component.html输入下面测试: 蓝色按钮 ...
1、angular 使用 bootstrap 安装bootstrap npm install bootstrap --save 安装bootstrap-icons npm i bootstrap-icons 并在angular.json添加配置 "styles": ["src/styles.scss","./node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css","./node_modules/bootstrap-icons/font/bootstrap-icons.css"],"scripts"...
Simplicity and ease of use are key features of MDB 5 Angular UI Kit. You need only one minute to install and run it. Buttons Use MDB custom button styles for actions in forms, dialogs, and more with support for multiple sizes, states, and more. ...
去官网复制粘贴啊:http://www.fontawesome.com.cn/icons/star-o/ 好了,就这样吧。
Simplicity and ease of use are key features of MDB 5 Angular UI Kit. You need only one minute to install and run it. Buttons Use MDB custom button styles for actions in forms, dialogs, and more with support for multiple sizes, states, and more. ...
Angular版本确实可以说是更新飞快了(能不能稳定点???)。我就是很拼,用的7版本, 然后bootstrap用的4版本。 于是乎,发现,在bootstrap4版本里面,它不给用Glyphicons 字体图标 了(为啥不给用,自己去官方看)。 那么我就是想要这些小图标啊,怎么办???
简介:Angular7 关于Bootstrap4.x.x版本无法使用Glyphicons 字体图标 简单解决方案 是的,笔者最近开始磨磨蹭蹭学起了这个Angular(等我系统性学习后,后面的博客估计会有很多关于Angular的东西了,当然后端开发依然是我的主打)。 Angular版本确实可以说是更新飞快了(能不能稳定点???)。我就是很拼,用的7版本, 然后boo...
The developers also included several powerful plugins, such as the powerful Master Slider, convenient widgets for eCommerce, 1,000 icons, and more. Entrepreneur has been created as a completely native responsive theme. Expand your business today, with Entrepreneur!
the smooth and sleek movements are apparent and attractive. The hero header uses bright and vivid colors with useful CTAs, social media icons, logo and menu. The site uses a sticky sidebar for navigation, making its sections easier to navigate. That’s not all, the horizontal scroll also mak...