<!DOCTYPE html> Bootstrap Icon with Text 文本内容</
$(function() {//jquery icon初始化$('#myselect').fontIconPicker({ theme:'fip-bootstrap',//四种主题风格:fip-grey, fip-darkgrey, fip-bootstrap, fip-invertedsource: ["icon-music", "icon-search", "icon-mail", "icon-mail-alt", "icon-heart", "icon-heart-empty", "icon-star", "icon...
Copy the Bootstrap Icons SVGs to your directory of choice and reference them like normal images with the element. Icon font Icon fonts with classes for every icon are also included for Bootstrap Icons. Include the icon web fonts in your page via CSS, then reference the class names as...
You can also add optional feedback icons with the addition of .has-feedback and the right icon.Feedback icons only work with textual elements.Icons, labels, and input groups Manual positioning of feedback icons is required for inputs without a label and for input groups with an add-on ...
<!-- Be sure to leave the brand out there if you want it shown --> Project name <!-- Everything you want hidden at 940px or less, place within here --> <!-- .nav, .navbar-search, .navbar-form, etc --> 注意! 响应式导航条需要需要collapse插件 和响应式Bootstrap CSS...
Bootstrap Icons is an open source SVG icon library featuring over 1,800 glyphs, with more added every release. They're designed to work in any project, whether you use Bootstrap itself or not. Use them as SVGs or icon fonts—both options give you vector scaling and easy customization via...
cursor-text cursor dash-circle-fill dash-circle dash-square-fill dash-square dash diagram-2-fill diagram-2 diagram-3-fill diagram-3 diamond-fill diamond-half diamond dice-1-fill dice-1 dice-2-fill dice-2 dice-3-fill dice-3 dice-4-fill dice-4 dice-5-...
First up, we’ve added styles to place icons like Bootstrap Icons alongside links with the new icon link helper.Icon link html <svg class="bi" aria-hidden="true"><use xlink:href="#archive"></use></svg> Icon link Icon link html Icon link <svg class...
-- .navbar-toggle is used as the toggle for collapsed navbar content --> <!-- Everything in here gets hidden at 940px or less --> <!-- menu items gets rendered here instead --> Nav links This is the 'meat' of the code where you define your menu items. You can...
Tiny bootstrap-compatible WISWYG rich text editor. Contribute to mindmup/bootstrap-wysiwyg development by creating an account on GitHub.