这个按钮用于在小屏幕设备上触发导航栏的展开和折叠。data - bs - toggle="collapse"和data - bs - target="#navbarNav"是 Bootstrap 的 JavaScript 插件所需的属性,用于控制导航栏的折叠和展开动画以及目标元素(这里是id为navbarNav的元素)。span class="navbar --toggler - icon"是一个用于显示三条横线...
Navigation Bar With Dropdown Navigation bars can also hold dropdown menus. The following example adds a dropdown menu for the "Page 1" button: Example WebSiteName Home Page 1
--导航条--><!--Brand and toggle get grouped for better mobile display--><!--定义汉堡按钮--><!--汉堡按钮三条线-->Toggle navigation首页<!--Collect the nav links, forms
-- Brand and toggle get grouped for better mobile display --> Toggle navigation 首页 <!-- Collect the nav links, forms, and other content for toggling -->
<!--navigation does here--> 现在,让我们把 替换为下面的代码,用来创建导航的第一个集合。请注意,这里的 "brand" class 以不同的方式呈现,这可以用来呈现您的公司名称或组织名称。 runoob About Portfolio Contact 如果需要创建下拉菜单,需要紧跟着在最后一个代码块中显示的 ...
-- 导航条 包裹文本 --> 首页 微博 微信
还可以向上面的元素添加role="navigation",这样有助于增加可访问性,也可以不加,对于功能的实现没有很大的影响。向 元素添加一个标题class="active",则表示当前默认菜单选项,添加class=“navbar-header”,会让文本看起来更大一号如下图就是现在的效果图: 图2.1...
Simple yet powerful extension adding the Buy now and Add to Cart options to any button, image, and navigation label or inline link in your projects. The cart itself comes with multiple styling options to best blend in the overall site’s appearance. It’s the best tool for merchants aiming...
This creates a button with three horizontal lines. For medium to extra large screens, this button is hidden. For small and extra small screens, this button becomes visible. This button will act as the toggle for the navbar items. To hide the items from the navigation bar for the small sc...
button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#navbarsExample07" aria-controls="navbarsExample07" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Toggle navigation"> {dede:channel type='top' row='10' currentstyle="~typename~"}[field:typename/]{/dede:channel}...