So, your smallest bold font size will be written outside of a media query and then you will make adjustments as the viewport gets larger. There isn’t a class already setup in Bootstrap for this so you have to write custom CSS rules. Option 1: Media Queries /* Extra small devices (...
font-size: larger; text-align: center; } .list-group li:hover{ background-color: #d9edf7; cursor: pointer; }</style></head><bodystyle="background:lightgoldenrodyellow;"><divclass="page-header text-center"><h1>ROE售后维修系统1.0<small>author by tina</small></h1></div><divclass="...
Bootstrap's global default font-size is 14px, with a line-height of 1.428. This is applied to the <body> and all paragraphs. In addition, <p> (paragraphs) receive a bottom margin of half their computed line-height (10px by default). Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu...
1、bootstrap-fileinpu的简单介绍 在前⾯的随笔,我介绍了Bootstrap-table表格插件的具体项⽬应⽤过程,本篇随笔介绍另外⼀个Bootstrap FieInput插件的使⽤,整合两者可以实现我们常规的Web数据导⼊操作,导⼊数据操作过程包括有上传⽂件,预览数据,选择并提交记录等⼀系列操作。关于这个插件,我在早期...
though pixels are still used for media queries and grid behavior as device viewports are not affected by type size.Global font-size increased from 14px to 16px.Revamped grid tiers to add a fifth option (addressing smaller devices at 576px and below) and removed the -xs infix from those cl...
Bootstrap's global defaultfont-sizeis14px, with aline-heightof20px. This is applied to the<body>and all paragraphs. In addition,<p>(paragraphs) receive a bottom margin of half their line-height (10px by default). Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Cum sociis natoque...
$blockquote-footer-font-size:$small-font-size;$hr-margin-y:$spacer;$hr-color:inherit;// fusv-disable$hr-bg-color:null;// Deprecated in v5.2.0$hr-height:null;// Deprecated in v5.2.0// fusv-enable$hr-border-color:null;// Allows for inherited colors$hr-border-width:$border-width;...
如图所示,在竖直放宜的半径为R的光滑半圆弧绝缘细管的圆心O处固泄一点电荷, 将质量为m,带电量为+q的小球从圆弧管的水平直径端点A由静止释放,小球沿细管滑到 最低点B时,对管壁恰好无压力,已知为g,则下列说法正确的是()
@font-size-small @font-size-h1 @font-size-h2 @font-size-h3 @font-size-h4 @font-size-h5 @font-size-h6 @line-height-base Unit-lessline-heightfor use in components like buttons. @line-height-computed Computed "line-height" (font-size*line-height) for use withmargin,padding, etc. ...