The#input-idis the identifier for the input (e.g.type = file) on your page, which is hidden automatically by the plugin. Alternatively, you can directly call the plugin options by setting data attributes to your input field. <inputid="input-id"type="file"class="file"data-preview-file-...
bootstrap-fileinput源码: bootstrap-fileinput在线API: bootstrap-fileinput Demo展示: 这个插件主要是介绍如何处理图片上传的处理操作,原先我的Excel导入操作使用的是Uploadify...
//初始化fileinput控件(第一次初始化) function initFileInput(ctrlName, uploadUrl) { var control = $('#' + ctrlName); control.fileinput({ language: 'zh', //设置语言 uploadUrl: uploadUrl, //上传的地址 allowedFileExtensions : ['jpg', 'png','gif'],//接收的文件后缀 showUpload: false,...
string == "true"><divclass="form-group"><labelclass="control-label">${modifyField["field_description"]}:</label><!-- 用来作为form表单提交上传图片返回id的集合,这里我采用`,`隔开的字符串形式保存 --><inputtype="text"hiddenid="${modifyField["field_name"]}"name="${modifyField["field_nam...
一、下载bootstrap-fileinput 下载bootstrap-fileinput ) 或者中文官网: 二、创建一个web项目,引入js、css文件 <scriptsrc="{% static 'resource/js/config.js' %}"type="text/javascript"></script> ...
bootstrap-fileinput/css/fileinput.min.css bootstrap-fileinput/js/fileinput.min.js 在File input 插件使用的时候,如果是基于Asp.NET MVC的,那么我们可以使用BundleConfig.cs进行添加对应的引用,加入到Bundles集合引用即可。 //添加对bootstrap-fileinput控件的支持 ...
Extending to the above feature, the plugin also allows you to set a preview caption for the initial preview field. The following element identifiers need to be passed as a string like '#id' instead of a JQuery object: elCaptionContainer elCaptionText elPreviewContainer elPreviewImage elPreview...
Alternatively, you can directly call the plugin options by setting data attributes to your input field. To auto initialize the plugin with just HTML markup - add the CSS class file to your file input markup element. <input id="input-id" type="file" class="file" data-preview-file-type="...
Krajee Plugins) and choose this current page plugin in the question related to field. The comments and discussion section below are intended for generic discussions or feedback for this plugin. Developers may not be able to search or lookup here specific questions or tips on usage for this ...