.input-group-addon Together with the .input-group class, this class makes it possible to add an icon or help text next to the input field Try it .input-group-btn Together with the .input-group class, this class attaches a button next to an input. Often used as a search bar Try it...
required boolean Whether this is a required field. name string The select name. value string The initial value. col string If any of the col properties are passed (e.g., col-12, col-sm-8, etc), the Form will create a div wrapper around the select with the column class. className st...
{border-bottom:0}}fieldset{padding:0;margin:0;border:0}legend{display:block;width:100%;padding:0;margin-bottom:20px;font-size:21px;line-height:inherit;color:#333;border:0;border-bottom:1px solid #e5e5e5}label{display:inline-block;margin-bottom:5px;font-weight:bold}input[type="search"...
用户名 姓名 权限
如果fieldset设置了disabled属性,整个域都将处于被禁用状态。 如果legend中有输入框的话,这个输入框是无法被禁用的。 (三)表单控件状态(验证状态) 在Bootstrap框架中同样提供这几种效果。 1、.has-warning:警告状态(黄色) 2、.has-error:错误状态(红色) ...
.tabletheadth[data-field="goodsIds"]{width:400px!important;background-color:#B8CCE4!important;} 那么设置之后看到的效果 这里可以看到表头的背景色设置已经成功了,但是列的宽度并没有设置成功。查阅资料,需要设置表格 css 的 table-layout 属性值为 fixed ,此时可以自己调整列宽了;再添加 word-break:break-...
The inline form above feels "compressed", and will look much better with Bootstrap's spacing utilities. The following example adds a right margin (.mr-sm-2) to each input on all devices (small and up). And a margin bottom class (.mb-2) is used to style the input field when it br...
Added new keyboard shortcut for the search field: Ctrl + /.SassWe’ve ditched the default Sass map merges to make it easier to remove redundant values. Keep in mind you now have to define all values in the Sass maps like $theme-colors. Check out how to deal with Sass maps. Breaking...
Change buttons’[disabled]to:disabledas IE9+ supports:disabled. Howeverfieldset[disabled]is still necessary becausenative disabled fieldsets are still buggy in IE11. Button group Rewrote component with flexbox. Removed.btn-group-justified. As a replacement you can useas a wrapper around elements ...
变成了"标题"下面一条分割线的样子。如果想还原的话,加上以下全局设置即可。fieldset{padding:.35em ...