To right-align the dropdown menu, add the .dropdown-menu-end class to the element with .dropdown-menu:Example <div class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-end"> Try it Yourself » DropupDropdown button If you want the dropdown menu to expand upwards instead of downwards, change the <...
The .dropdown class indicates a dropdown menu.To open the dropdown menu, use a button or a link with a class of .dropdown-toggle and the data-toggle="dropdown" attribute.Add the .dropdown-menu class to a <div> element to actually build the dropdown menu. Then add the .dropdown-...
The semantic classes are the same in number as in the latest version however with a number of renovations-- the rarely used defaultBootstrap Button Dropdownbasically having no meaning has been dismissed in order to get removed and replace by the a lot more intuitive and subtle secondary button...
--触发模态框的按钮--><button type="button"class="btn btn-primary"data-toggle="modal"data-target="#myModal">打开模态框</button><!--模态框--><divclass="modal"id="myModal"><divclass="modal-dialog"><divclass="modal-content"><!--模态框头部--><divclass="modal-header"><h4class="moda...
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toggle="dropdown">Java <b class="caret"></b> </a> <ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu" aria-labelledby="myTabDrop1"> <li><a href="#jmeter" tabindex="-1" data-toggle="tab">jmeter</a></li> <li><a href="#ejb" tabindex="-1" data-toggle="tab">ejb</a></li> </ul...
W3.CSS is smaller, faster, and easier to use.If you want to learn W3.CSS, go to our W3.CSS Tutorial.« W3Schools Home Next Chapter » COLOR PICKER LEARN MORE: Color Converter Google Maps Animated Buttons Modal Boxes Modal Images Tooltips Loaders JS Animations Progress Bars Dropdowns ...
button></div></div></div><divclass="span8 well pricehover"><h3>按钮下拉菜单</h3><p></p><divclass="btn-toolbar"><divclass="btn-group"><buttonclass="btn dropdown-toggle"data-toggle="dropdown">Action<spanclass="caret"></span></button><ulclass="dropdown-menu"><li><ahref="#"...
W3schools' reference page describes how to adapt and change the Bootstrap carousel markup code, as well as the choices accessible. It's an excellent starting point for those who want to dig in and start altering the code but aren't sure where to begin. To get started, you'll need the...
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