</div> </div> 尺寸 只要给.btn-group加上.btn-group-*,而不是给组中每个按钮都应用大小类。 Left Middle Right Left Middle Right Left Middle Right Left Middle Right <div class="btn-group btn-group-lg">...</div> <div class="btn-group">...</div> <div class="btn-group btn-...
进入terminal 执行: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager DISPLAY=:0 ccsm & 打开Compiz...
<!-- Stack the columns on mobile by making one full-width and the other half-width --> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-8">.col-xs-12 .col-md-8</div> <div class="col-xs-6 col-md-4">.col-xs-6 .col-md-4</div> </div> <!-- Columns start at 50%...
<pre> Indicates multiple lines of code Try it <pre class="pre-scrollable"> Indicates multiple lines of code with scrollbar Try it <samp> Indicates sample output from a computer program: Sample output Try it <code> Indicates inline snippets of code: span, div Try it❮...
</div> </div> </div> 禁止动画效果 如果你不需要模态框弹出时的动画效果(淡入淡出效果),删掉 .fade 类即可。 Copy <div class="modal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="..."> ... </div> Using the grid system To take advantage of the Bootstrap grid system within a modal,...
Or a side menu that shows various pages with a nice transition between the pages? This pattern is quite used on the web. 依赖 If you want to use transitions you need to load bootstrap-transition.js before this. 案例 <div class="pane-wrapper" id="panes-example"> <div><img src="asset...
div> <div class="dropdown" data-bs-theme="dark"> <button class="btn btn-secondary dropdown-toggle" type="button" id="dropdownMenuButtonDark" data-bs-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="false"> Dark dropdown </button> <ul class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="dropdownMenuButtonDark">...
最近项目中使用了一个基于Bootstrap的daterangepicker控件。 1.点击页面其他空白的地方,会把之前在日历上选中的日期选择上。...在outsideClick方法里面,作者直接调用了hide()方法,这个方法正好做了将选中的日期范围赋值给文本框。修改代码行数在Line616,问题可以解决。.
<div class="navbar navbar-static-top"> <div class="container"> </div> </div> Brand name Add the name of your site on the left hand edge of the navbar. By default, it will link to root_url. Passing a brand_link option will set the url to whatever you want. <%= nav_bar br...