In addition to showing a button class being used with an<a>element, the following example includes button classes being used with the<button>and<input>element. Now that we understand how button classes work on<button>,<a>, and<input>elements, let’s take a look at the different button ...
Bootstrap provides four button sizes:Large Normal Small XSmall The classes that define the different sizes are:.btn-lg .btn-sm .btn-xsThe following example shows the code for different button sizes:Example <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg">Large</button><button type="...
Button Classes The classes below can be used to style any <a>, <button>, or <input> element: ClassDescriptionExample .btnAdds basic styling to any buttonTry it .btn-defaultIndicates a default/standard buttonTry it .btn-primaryProvides extra visual weight and identifies the primary action in ...
The.btnclasses are designed to be used with the<button>element. However, you can also use these classes on<a>or<input>elements (though some browsers may apply a slightly different rendering). When using button classes on<a>elements that are used to trigger in-page functionality (like collaps...
<button type="button" class="btn btn-link">Link</button> Tags of the buttons While applying button classes on<a>elements which are used to cause in-page features ( such as collapsing content), instead of connecting to new webpages or areas inside of the existing webpage, these web links...
Bootstrap CSS编码规范 语法 用两个空格来代替制表符(tab) -- 这是唯一能保证在所有环境下获得一致展现的方法。 为选择器分组时,将单独的选择器单独放在一行。 为了代码的易读性,在每个声明块的左花括号前添加一个空格。 声明块的右花括号应当单独成行。
Bootstrap 将设置全局的 CSS 样式。HTML 的基本元素均可以通过 class 设置样式并得到增强效果。还有先进的栅格系统。
Use the button classes on an <a>, <button>, or <input> element. Link Button <a class="btn btn-default" href="#" role="button">Link</a> <button class="btn btn-default" type="submit">Button</button> <input class="btn btn-default" type="button" value="Input"> <input class=...
打开bootstrap 文档可以看到它的dialog是直接嵌入到bootstrap.js和bootstrap.css里面的,也就是说,只要我们引入了bootstrap的文件,就可以直接使用它的dialog组件,是不是很方便。本篇我们就结合新增编辑的功能来介绍下bootstrap dialog的使用。废话不多说,直接看来它如何使用吧。
classes:'warning',css:{'color':'red'} } } },rowAttributes:function(row,index){},//row属性formatter函数,支持所有自定义属性undefinedText:'-',//定义默认的未定义文本sortClass:'',//已排序的td元素的类名rememberOrder:false,//设置为true以记住每列的顺序data:[],//要加载的数据 [] or {}conten...