1.下载bootstrap,下载地址:https://v3.bootcss.com 1.1点击下载 1.2 2.下载好后解压,然后把解压后的文件夹,放到自己的项目下 。该解压文件有三个文件。 3.在自己的HTML文件里<head>标签中引入就能用了,如果用到js还得引入js文件 引入css: <link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap-3.3.7-dist/css/boots...
Button Programmatically control the active state for buttons. Carousel Add slideshows to any page, including support for crossfade. Collapse Expand and collapse areas of content, or create accordions. Dropdown Create menus of links, actions, forms, and more. Modal Add flexible and responsive dialogs...
Carousel Customize the navbar and carousel, then add some new components. 博客页面 简单的两列式博客布局,还包含了自定义的导航、页头、分类等元素。 控制台 包含基本结构的后台管理模板,还有固定的侧边栏和导航条。 登录页 自定义的表单布局以及经过简单设计的登录表单。
Buttons for toggling states and checkbox/radio functionality Carousel for all slide behaviors, controls, and indicators Collapse for toggling visibility of content Dropdowns for displaying and positioning (also requires Popper) Modals for displaying, positioning, and scroll behavior Navbar for extending ...
hidden.bs.collapse This event is fired when a collapse element has been hidden from the user (will wait for CSS transitions to complete). Copy $('#myCollapsible').on('hidden.bs.collapse', function () { // do something… }) Carousel carousel.js A slideshow component for cycling through ...
.carousel('pause') 停止轮播在项目中循环。 .carousel(number) 将轮播循环到特定帧(基于 0,类似于数组)。 .carousel('prev') 循环到上一个项目。 .carousel('next') 循环到下一个项目。 活动 Bootstrap 的 carousel 类公开了两个用于连接 carousel 功能的事件。
Code Issues Pull requests Discussions Angular powered Bootstrap bootstrap pagination angular alert rating timepicker popover progress-bar modal accordion carousel tooltip typeahead tabs widgets datepicker buttons dropdown collapse ng-bootstrap Updated Feb 19, 2025 TypeScript Load more… Created by ...
Responsive tables now generate classes for each grid breakpoint. This breaks from Beta 1 in that the.table-responsiveyou’ve been using is more like.table-responsive-md. You may now use.table-responsiveor.table-responsive-{sm,md,lg,xl}as needed. ...
Before downloading, be sure to have a code editor (we recommendSublime Text 2) and some working knowledge of HTML and CSS. We won't walk through the source files here, but they are available for download. We'll focus on getting started with the compiled Bootstrap files. ...