Bootstrap class: .position-relative top-0 start-0 Copy codePreviewtop-0 start-0 Check .position-relative in a real projectClick one of the examples listed below to open the Shuffle Visual Editor with the UI library that uses the selected component.Open in Visual Editor → Open in ...
12DropdownDropdown linkDropdown link 3.垂直排列:.btn-group-vertical可以让一组按钮垂直堆叠排列显示而不是水平排列。分列式按钮下拉菜单不
设置相对定位: 使用 data-spy="scroll" 的元素需要将其 CSS position 属性设置为 "relative" 才能起作用。 以下实例设置了垂直滚动监听: .scrollspy-example-2 { position: relative; height: 350px; overflow: auto; } Navbar Item 1
Use these shorthand utilities for quickly configuring the position of an element. Common values Quick positioning classes are available, though they are not responsive. ............... Fixed top Position an element at the top of the viewport, from edge to edge. Be sure you understand the...
其中,padding-top: 50vh将容器顶部的内边距设置为视口高度的50%,position: relative将容器相对定位,使其内容相对于容器垂直居中。 使用Flexbox和绝对定位:在容器的父元素上添加d-flex类和justify-content-center类,使容器内容水平居中,然后在容器上添加自定义的绝对定位样式。例如: 代码语言:txt 复制 <!-- 容器...
.dropdown-submenu{position: relative; }.dropdown-submenu>.dropdown-menu{top:0;left:100%;margin-top: -6px;margin-left: -1px; -webkit-border-radius:06px6px6px; -moz-border-radius:06px6px;border-radius:06px6px6px; }.dropdown-submenu:hover>.dropdown-menu{display: block; ...
下拉菜单 1、将下拉菜单触发器和下拉菜单都包裹在.dropdown里,或者另一个声明了position: relative;的元素(代码) 2、通过为下拉菜单的父元素设置 .dropup 类,可以让菜单向上弹出 3、为.dropdown-menu添加.dropdown-menu-right类可以让菜单右对齐 4、在...
需要相对定位(relative positioning) 无论何种实现方式,滚动监听都需要被监听的组件是 position: relative; 即相对定位方式。大多数时候是监听 元素。When scrollspying on elements other than the , be sure to have a height set and overflow-y: scroll; applied. 通过data 属性调用 To easily add scrollspy...
DOCTYPE html> Bootstrap 实例 - 滚动监听(Scrollspy)插件 bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css...a class="navbar-brand" href="#">教程名称"scr...