color: white; } //初始化空数组,用来存放checkbox对象。varrel_Ids =[]; $('#tabMain').on('',function(e, row, $element) {//判断是否已选中if($($element).hasClass("changeColor")) {//已选中则移除 当前行的class='changeColor'$($element).removeClass('changeColor'); }...
Use contextual classes to color table rows or individual cells. ClassDescription .active Applies the hover color to a particular row or cell .success Indicates a successful or positive action .info Indicates a neutral informative change or action .warning Indicates a warning that might need attention...
type="checkbox" id="inlineCheckbox2" value="option2"> 2 3 (disabled) 1 2 3 (disabled) Copy
beforeChange:在复选框状态改变之前触发,返回一个布尔值和一个nodeElement元素。 afterChange:在复选框状态改变之后触发,返回一个布尔值和一个nodeElement元素。 自定义图标 复选框选中状态的图标是可以自定义的,通过icon参数来自定义图标,例如下面的代码: $('input[type="checkbox"]').simpleBtChecks ({ size: ...
Reboot includes an enhancement forrole="button"to change the default cursor topointer. Add this attribute to elements to help indicate elements are interactive. This role isn’t necessary forelements, which get their owncursorchange. Non-button...
# With npmnpm i bootstrap-vue# With yarnyarn add bootstrap-vue 添加bootstrap-vue/nuxt到nuxt.config.js的模块部分。 这将包括boostrap.css与bootstrap-vue.css默认预编译CSS。 代码语言:javascript 复制 module.exports={modules:['bootstrap-vue/
Change Log All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines. 10.0.1 (2024-11-08) Bug Fixes bootstrap: $kendo-base-bg has wrong color value (a9a92c8) 10.0.0 (2024-11-06) Bug Fixes add missing panel styles (f30c677)...
Skilled Novice
_card.scss _carousel.scss _close.scss _code.scss _custom-forms.scss _dropdown.scss _forms.scss _functions.scss _grid.scss _images.scss _input-group.scss _jumbotron.scss _list-group.scss _media.scss _mixins.scss _modal.scss _nav.scss ...