@sliding-start="onSlideStart"@sliding-end="onSlideEnd"><templatev-slot:img></template></template> 由于我们使用Vue,一般来说,轮播的图片是动态增加的,而不是固定的连接,因此用变量代替,遍历展示即可,模板代码如下代码。
<!-- Indicators --> <!-- Wrapper for slides --> <!-- First slide --> This is the caption
image=22"> 或者用命名插槽的方式,演示代码如下所示 <template v-slot:img></template></template> 由于我们
<!-- Controls --> Previous Next Accessibility issue The carousel component is generally not compliant with accessibility standards.
<!-- Carousel items --> … … … <!-- Carousel nav --> ‹ <
All you require is a wrapper component with an ID to feature the wholecarouselfeature having the.carouseland in addition--.slideclasses ( in case the second one is omitted the images are going to just shift without having the cool sliding transition) and adata-ride="carousel"property in the...
You can also add the indicators to the carousel, alongside the controls, too. First slide PreviousNext Copy
Carousels require the use of an id (in this case id="myCarousel") for carousel controls to function properly.The class="carousel" specifies that this contains a carousel. The .slide class adds a CSS transition and animation effect, which makes the items slide when showing a new item. Omi...