In my mind you can try to set the css style height and width of the carousel div container, then the images inside it willauto fit the size like below.複製 Similar issue you can refer to below threads.
Awesome Bootstrap Carousel Sliders with Multiple Items, Fixed/Responsive Height, Autoplay, Fade, Thumbnails, Full-width/Full-screen/Vertical/Center Slides, Video, Swipe.
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width:控制 viewport 的大小,可以指定的一个值,如果 600,或者特殊的值,如 device-width 为设备的宽度(单位为缩放为 100% 时的 CSS 的像素)。 height:和 width 相对应,指定高度。 initial-scale:初始缩放比例,也即是当页面第一次 load 的时候缩放比例。 maximum-scale:允许用户缩放到的最大比例。 minimum-sc...
While carousels support previous/next controls and indicators, they’re not explicitly required. Add and customize as you see fit.The .active class needs to be added to one of the slides otherwise the carousel will not be visible. Also be sure to set a unique id on the .carousel for ...
For those of you who use Bootstrap 3, you need to give HTML, body and carousel container 100% width like this:1 2 3 HTML,body{height:100%;} .carousel,.item,.active{height:100%;} .carousel-inner{height:100%;}If you are using Bootstrap 4, the solution is more elegant since every...
Carousel functionality Dropdowns Modals Tooltips Popovers(requires Tooltips) Togglable tabs Magic Affix Collapse Scrollspy Transitions(required for any kind of animation) 生成的两个文件 所有选中的插件都将会编译为一份是和阅读的版本bootstrap.js和一份压缩版本bootstrap.min.js。我们建议将压缩版本用于生产环境...
I first tried height:auto; so the image height would stay in the right proportion. But that did not work because the parent element .carousel-item is set to display:flex. Changing the height to 100% fixed this. /* Forces carousel image to be 100% width and not max width of 100% *...
--Bootstrap-->#con1{/*background-color: red;*//*height: 600px;*/}.c1{background-color:red;height:40px;}.c2{background-color:green;height:40px;}@media screenand(min-width:700px){.c1{background-color:yellow;height:40px;}.c2{background-color:blue;height:40px;}}<!--你好,世界!
Carousel carousel.js A slideshow component for cycling through elements, like a carousel. Nested carousels are not supported. Examples Previous Next <!-- Indicators --> <!-- Wrapper for slides -->