--Standard gray button with gradient--><buttontype="button"class="btn btn-default">Default</button><!--Provides extra visual weight and identifies the primary action in a set of buttons--><buttontype="button"class="btn btn-primary">Primary</button><!--Indicates a successful or positive ac...
-- Standard button --><buttontype="button"class="btn btn-default">(默认样式)Default</button><!-- Provides extra visual weight and identifies the primary action in a set of buttons --><buttontype="button"class="btn btn-primary">(首选项)Primary</button><!-- Indicates a successful or po...
Light Buttons:在需要用多颜色来表示多功能的系统中,浅色背景按钮在视觉上不会影响主按钮,并可以很好地帮助区分功能。 Light Hover Buttons:向用户提供对悬浮按钮的反馈是一种很好的交互(其他按钮也一样),用户知道他们的动作已被系统接受,对下一步操作充满期待,更有信心。 四、带图标按钮 Buttons with Icons 在按钮...
Mix them with CSS variable overrides for even more control. Home Profile Contact Home Profile Contact <ul class="nav nav-pills nav-fill gap-2 p-1 small bg-primary rounded-5 shadow-sm" id="pillNav2" role="tablist" style="--bs-nav-link-color: var(--bs-white); --bs-nav-...
Bootstrap provides different styles of buttons:Basic Default Primary Success Info Warning Danger Link To achieve the button styles above, Bootstrap has the following classes:.btn .btn-default .btn-primary .btn-success .btn-info .btn-warning .btn-danger .btn-link...
Button variants (for regular and outline buttons) use their respective mixins with our$theme-colorsmap to generate the modifier classes inscss/_buttons.scss. @each$color,$valuein$theme-colors{.btn-#{$color}{@includebutton-variant($value,$value);}}@each$color,$valuein$theme-colors{.btn-out...
BOOTSTRAP BUTTONS GENERATOR Create beautiful bootstrap web buttons and menus with ease. Download for WindowsDownload for Mac Place blocks to your page Clone your buttons to add them Change bootstrap button styles Edit your color scheme in style changer ...
@import "twitter/bootstrap/buttons.less"; // Components @import "twitter/bootstrap/component-animations.less"; @import "twitter/bootstrap/dropdowns.less"; @import "twitter/bootstrap/button-groups.less"; @import "twitter/bootstrap/input-groups.less"; @import "twitter/bootstrap/navs.less"; @...
BasicDefaultPrimarySuccessInfoWarningDangerLink Button Sizes LargeSmallXSmall Active/Disabled Buttons Info ButtonActive Info ButtonDisabled Info Button Block-level Button Block-level Button Button Groups AppleSamsungSony Button Classes The classes below can be used to style any <a>, <button>, or <inpu...
Bootstrap 将设置全局的 CSS 样式。HTML 的基本元素均可以通过 class 设置样式并得到增强效果。还有先进的栅格系统。