"Responsive menu sidebar " Bootstrap 3.3.0 Snippet by ElenaDomingos 3.3.0 menu sidebar responsive Preview HTML CSS View Full Screen Fork Fork this 151.4K 51 Fav Post to Facebook Tweet this <link href="//maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.0/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="...
Bootstrap 5 Need help support template with searchAuthor: BBBootstrap TeamHere is a great option for e-commerce sites. The HTML input type is set to ‘text’.Search bar animationCodePen Embed FallbackAuthor: Milan MilosevThis search bar design has a beautiful expanding animation feature. The...
Line menu design is used in this navigation bar to indicate on which page the user is currently viewing. The template uses the HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap 4 framework. As it is a responsive design, you can use this navbar code on your website or application without any issue. Info /...
See the PenBootstrap 5 Breadcrumbs Dividerby SitePoint (@SitePoint) onCodePen. There’s a new dark variant for carousels using the class.carousel-dark, and a new dark variant for dropdowns using.dropdown-menu-dark. There’s a new auto close option in Dropdown that can change the default...
Responsive header by Arif Manzoor This is a high-quality, free, FULLY-CUSTOMIZABLE Bootstrap header template created by a CodePen user named Arif Manzoor. The header’s background is light grey, and a sample logo is on the left. On the right side, there are navigation menus and drop-do...
ri-menu-fill ri-menu-2-line ri-menu-2-fill ri-menu-3-line ri-menu-3-fill ri-menu-4-line ri-menu-4-fill ri-menu-5-line ri-menu-5-fill ri-menu-add-line ri-menu-add-fill ri-more-line ri-more-fill ri-more-2-line ri-more-2-fill ri-heart-line ri-...
8. Registration Form (Bootstrap 5 Validation) (Sam Norton on CodePen) Another simple but effective registration, this Bootstrap template flips the colors and works well for any dark-themed website. See the code >> 9. Registration Form With Ph...
Drag and Drop HTML5 This neat Bootstrap drag-and-drop grid consists of twelve elements, all of which can be dragged to your liking. You can style the free widget however you want, get the code and integrate it into your applicationwithout sweat. There’s also a cool effect when you mov...
Sidebar Auction Navbar Multiselect Dropdown Example Clean Blog Simple Form Three Column Cryptocurrency Blog Post Steps Library Insurance Company Accordion Table Example Mega Menu Responsive Theme Editor Popup Shopping Mall Button Dropdown Example
fe-github fe-image fe-inbox fe-layers fe-info fe-instagram fe-layout fe-link-2 fe-life-buoy fe-link fe-log-in fe-list fe-lock fe-log-out fe-loader fe-mail fe-maximize-2 fe-map fe-maximize fe-map-pin fe-menu fe-message-circle ...