默认情况下进度条为蓝色,Bootstrap5 还提供了以下颜色的进度条: 实例 <divclass="progress"><divclass="progress-bar bg-success"style="width:40%"></div></div><divclass="progress"><divclass="progress-bar bg-info"style="width:50%"></div></div><divclass="progress"><divclass="progress-bar ...
Documentation and examples for using Bootstrap custom progress bars featuring support for stacked bars, animated backgrounds, and text labels.
Progress components are built with two HTML elements, some CSS to set the width, and a few attributes. We don’t use the HTML5 <progress> element, ensuring you can stack progress bars, animate them, and place text labels over them. We use the .progress as a wrapper to indicate the ma...
1、进度条 在网页中,进度条的效果并不少见,比如一个评分系统,比如加载状态等。就如下图所示的一个评分系统,他就是一个简单的进度条效果: 进度条和其他独立组件一样,开发者可以根据自己的需要,选择对应的版本: ☑ LESS版本:源码文件progress-bars.less ☑ Sass
progress-bars.less_progress-bars.scss ☑ 编译后版本:bootstrap.css文件第4500行~第4575行 而且Bootstrap框架为大家提供多种样式风格的进度条,供大家使用. 2、进度条–基本样式 100%宽度的背景色,然后个高亮的色表示完成进度。其实制作这样的进度条非常容易,一般是...
4、在根div 添加active,即可实现带动画的进度条。 <divclass="progress progress-striped active"><divclass="progress-bar progress-bar-success"style="width: 40%;"></div></div>
A progress bar can be used to show a user how far along he/she is in a process.Bootstrap provides several types of progress bars.A default progress bar in Bootstrap looks like this:70% Complete To create a default progress bar, add a .progress class to a <div> element:...
添加一个带有 class .progress 的<div>。 接着,在上面的 <div> 内,添加一个带有 class .progress-bar 和class progress-bar-* 的空的 <div>。其中,* 可以是 success、info、warning、danger。 添加一个带有百分比表示的宽度的 style 属性,例如 style="60%"; 表示进度条在 60% 的位置。
Bootstrap 5 TutorialBS5 HOME BS5 Get Started BS5 Containers BS5 Grid Basic BS5 Typography BS5 Colors BS5 Tables BS5 Images BS5 Jumbotron BS5 Alerts BS5 Buttons BS5 Button Groups BS5 Badges BS5 Progress Bars BS5 Spinners BS5 Pagination BS5 List Groups BS5 Cards BS5 Dropdowns BS5...
Note: Stacked progressbars are not supported by now. Demo http://www.minddust.com/project/bootstrap-progressbar/demo/ Installation Download the latest release:v0.9.0 Clone the repository:git clone git@github.com:minddust/bootstrap-progressbar.git ...