<button class="navbar-toggler" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#navbarSupportedContent" aria-controls="navbarSupportedContent" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Toggle navigation"> <span class="navbar-toggler-icon"></span> </button> <div class="collapse navbar-col...
<buttonclass="btn btn-primary btn-lg navbar-toggle"><spanclass="glyphicon glyphicon-star"></span>菜单</button> 更有趣的是:如果我们为button增加data-toggle和data-target属性,当页面宽度足够小,button出现,点击button,可以让消失的导航再现。 <buttonclass="btn btn-primary btn-lg navbar-toggle" data-...
toggle="tab" type="button" role="tab" aria-selected="false">Profile</button> </li> <li class="nav-item" role="presentation"> <button class="nav-link rounded-5" id="contact-tab2" data-bs-toggle="tab" type="button" role="tab" aria-selected="false">Contact</button> </li> </...
</nav> Try it Yourself » Right-Aligned Navigation Bar The.navbar-rightclass is used to right-align navigation bar buttons. In the following example we insert a "Sign Up" button and a "Login" button to the right in the navigation bar. We also add a glyphicon on each of the two ne...
navbar-static-top <nav class="navbar navbar-default navbar-static-top" role="navigation"&...
As of v3.1.0, we've deprecated .pull-right on dropdown menus. To right-align a menu, use .dropdown-menu-right. Right-aligned nav components in the navbar use a mixin version of this class to automatically align the menu. To override it, use .dropdown-menu-left. <ul class="dropdo...
Website Menu V16 is an excellent template with a navbar and a top bar, creating a full-blown header for your website. It also includes a search bar and social media icons, so you don’t need to create them yourself. Since it is a Bootstrap widget, theoperation is superbacross differ...
Dropdowns within a NavbarThe following examples will show you how to add dropdowns to navbar.ExampleTry this code » <nav class="navbar navbar-expand-sm navbar-light bg-light"> <div class="container-fluid"> <a href="#" class="navbar-brand">Brand</a> <button type="button" ...
bs3blockbuttoninfo bs3blockbuttonprimary bs3blockbuttonsuccess bs3blockbuttonwarning bs3blockbutton bs3buttondanger bs3buttondefault bs3buttondisabled bs3buttongroupvertical bs3buttongroup bs3buttoninfo bs3buttonprimary bs3buttonsuccess bs3buttontoolbar ...
--图标、字体库 :决定表格右上角的图标是否显示-->27<scriptsrc="{% static 'app/js/font-awesome/all.min.js' %}"></script>28<!--<script src="{% static 'app/js/tableExport.js' %}"></script>-->2930<!--admin 相关-->31<linkrel="stylesheet"type="text/css"href="/static/admin/...