angular.module('ui.bootstrap.demo', ['ngAnimate','ui.bootstrap']);//必须要引入的模块有两个ngAnimate\ui.bootstrap,一个都不能少,必须在这个模板加载的时候引入angular.module('ui.bootstrap.demo').controller('ModalDemoCtrl',function($scope, $uibModal, $log) {//然后就是主控制器,没什么,注意...
官网angular-ui-bootstrap 对于ui-bootstrap集成大量指令如折叠ui.bootstrap.accordion、时间插件ui.bootstrap.datepicker、接下来要说明的模态窗ui.bootstrap.modal等... 疑问? angular-ui-bootstrap-1.3.2 引入时遇到问题: Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: $templateRequestProvider <- $templateRequest...
看官网文档: 最终解决: showWarnningModal() {, { size: 'lg' }).result.then((result) => { if (result === 'O...
Modal(ui.bootstrap.modal) $uibModal是一个用来创建模态框的service,模态框的创建步骤如下: 创建模板(create a template) 为它声明一个Controller $uibModal只有一个方法:open(options),所有的配置都通过options传给它 options相关参数如下: 可通过$uibModalProvider.options对$uibModal设置全局属性 返回值 open方法...
在AngularJS中主要使用bootstrap-modal使用弹窗效果。 安装bootsrap-modal插件: bower install bootstrap-modal --save 基本组件引用: html开发:
{ })var curmodal2=${ })用curmodal1.close();curmodal2.close();代替 $modal...
在Angular 2中清除Bootstrap默认模态框的内容,可以通过以下步骤实现: 1. 首先,在Angular项目中安装Bootstrap库。可以使用npm命令来安装Bootstrap依赖: `...
Nowlet usimplement the above bootstrap modal window code in angular. <!-- open a modal window by clicking button basic bootstrap--> click to open Now converting it to angular, By clicking the button open the modal using event binding method as the following click...
To have working modal in a lazy-loaded module you have to import modal module with forRoot() in that lazy module which is not correct as BsModalService will get a new instance and will not know anything about other modals of other modules (e.g. nesting won't properly work). If you ...
Please check all components we have in action at Dependencies The only dependencies areAngular,Bootstrap 5CSS, andPopper. Angular and Popper are explicitly listed as peer dependencies, while Bootstrap is not, as they don't release their CSS separately. The table ...