Flat HTML5/CSS3 CodePen Embed Fallback Created by Aigars Silkalns Here is a minimal bootstrap login concept. It has generic options so it is suitable for any website or mobile application. Its flat design makes it a great login form for modern sites. Animated Login Form CodePen Embed Fal...
Bootstrap image slider for gallery Bootstrap 5 carousels for multiple items The sliders in this list have a cool transition effect that looks natural and friendly to the users. If you are particularly searching for range sliders, then look at our CSS range slider design collection. Bootstrap Sl...
CodePenCodePen is a popular social development environment that allows users to showcase their Bootstrap projects. Developers can find an array of datatable examples created by community members, enabling inspiration and collaborative learning through experimentation with live coding. ...
CodePen A popular social development environment, CodePen allows developers to showcase and discover Bootstrap accordion examples. Users can explore numerous interactive pens, remix code, and learn from community contributions, facilitating hands-on experimentation with different styles and behaviors. Boot...
ri-codepen-line ri-codepen-fill ri-coreos-line ri-coreos-fill ri-dingding-line ri-dingding-fill ri-discord-line ri-discord-fill ri-disqus-line ri-disqus-fill ri-douban-line ri-douban-fill ri-dribbble-line ri-dribbble-fill ri-drive-line ri-drive-fill ri-dropbox...
fa4-code Code fa4-code-fork code-fork fa4-codepen Codepen fa4-codiepie Codie Pie fa4-coffee Coffee fa4-cog cog fa4-cogs cogs fa4-columns Columns fa4-comment comment fa4-comment-o comment-o fa4-commenting Commenting fa4-commenting-o Commenting Outlined fa4-comments comments fa4-comments-o comme...
网格计算器是一种用于网页布局的工具,它可以帮助开发人员创建响应式的网页设计。网格计算器可以通过将页面划分为行和列来实现网页布局,使得页面元素可以在不同设备上自适应地排列和调整大小。 网格计算器有两种...
目前市面上已经有很多类似的平台和方案了,类似像jsfiddle、CodePen、Storybook这样的平台,这些平台可以让我们在浏览器中创建代码并直接执行,无需单独在我们本地创建项目,所以当你在测试一段代码时,这些平台可能会为你提供一些帮助。 01 Vue富文本_ueditor编辑器 很多项目中都需要用到富文本编辑器,目前也有很多种类的富...
// Use Bootstrap breakpoints for consistency.$bootstrap-sm:576px;$bootstrap-md:768px;$bootstrap-lg:992px;$bootstrap-xl:1200px; // Crop thumbnail images.#gallery{img{height:75vw;object-fit:cover;@media(min-width:$bootstrap-sm){height:35vw;}@media(min-width:$bootstrap-lg){height:18...