Bootstrap 5 Our default branch is for development of our Bootstrap 5 release. Head to thev4-devbranchto view the readme, documentation, and source code for Bootstrap 4. Table of contents Quick start Status What's included Bugs and feature requests ...
-- HTML5 shim 和 Respond.js 是为了让 IE8 支持 HTML5 元素和媒体查询(media queries)功能 --> <!-- 警告:通过 file:// 协议(就是直接将 html 页面拖拽到浏览器中)访问页面时 Respond.js 不起作用 --> <!--[if lt IE 9]> <script src="
Add a <footer> for identifying the source. Wrap the name of the source work in <cite>. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer posuere erat a ante. Someone famous in Source Title <blockquote> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer po...
<template><divclass="container"><h1>Blockquotes</h1><p>The blockquote element is used to present content from another source:</p><blockquoteclass="blockquote"><p>For 50 years, WWF has been protecting the future of nature. The world's leading conservation organization, WWF works in 100 c...
</p> <footer>Someone famous in <cite title="Source Title">Source Title</cite></footer> </blockquote> 另一种展示风格 通过赋予 .blockquote-reverse 类可以让引用呈现内容右对齐的效果。 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer posuere erat a ante. Someone famous in ...
This Bootstrap template is made by UX/UI designerXiaoying Rileyfor developers and is 100% FREE as long as youkeep the footer attribution link. You do not have the rights to resell, sublicense or redistribute (even for free) the template on its own or as a separate attachment from any of...
"><divclass="card-footer">简单的卡片底部</div></div><divclass="card img-fluid bg-primary"><imgsrc="../assets/th.jfif"alt="537"class="card-img-top"><divclass="card-img-overlay"><divclass="card-body"><pclass="card-text">简单的卡片正文 使用card-text修饰p,最后一行可以移除底部边距...
all could almost be considered premium. They are all responsive and optimized to the T. They give you the freedom to quickly create all types of websites while keeping professionalism intact. Except for the needed credits in the footer, no one will even notice yourbusiness websitewas built us...
The features include a sticky menu, custom header and footer, back-to-top button, social sharing, mega menu, and countdown timer. Fourmusic is also optimized for speed, SEO, mobile devices, and web browsers. Last, you get every necessary page layout and section of a successfully operating ...
Track and review changes to the Bootstrap source files, documentation, and components to help you migrate from v4 to v5.