New in Bootstrap 5, our utilities are now generated by our Utility API. We built it as a feature-packed Sass map that can be quickly and easily customized. It's never been easier to add, remove, or modify any utility classes. Make utilities responsive, add pseudo-class variants, and gi...
New in Bootstrap 5, our utilities are now generated by our Utility API. We built it as a feature-packed Sass map that can be quickly and easily customized. It's never been easier to add, remove, or modify any utility classes. Make utilities responsive, add pseudo-class variants, and gi...
Global CSS settings, fundamental HTML elements styled and enhanced with extensible classes, and an advanced grid system.Overview Get the lowdown on the key pieces of Bootstrap's infrastructure, including our approach to better, faster, stronger web development. HTML5 doctype Bootstrap makes use of...
Bootstrap 5is the newest version ofBootstrap; with new components, faster stylesheets, more responsiveness etc. It supports the latest, stable releases of all major browsers and platforms. However, Internet Explorer 11 and down is not supported. ...
Bootstrap 5 has a wide range of responsive margin and padding utility classes. They work for all breakpoints: xs (<=576px), sm (>=576px), md (>=768px), lg (>=992px), xl (>=1200px) or xxl (>=1400px)):The classes are used in the format: {property}{sides}-{size} for xs...
Ever since utilities become a preferred way to build, we’ve been working to find the right balance to implement them in Bootstrap while providing control and customization. In v4, we did this with global$enable-*classes, and we’ve even carried that forward in v5. But with an API-based...
$gray-500#adb5bd $gray-100 $gray-200 $gray-300 $gray-400 $gray-500 $gray-600 $gray-700 $gray-800 $gray-900 $black#000 $white#fff Notes on Sass Sass cannot programmatically generate variables, so we manually created variables for every tint and shade ourselves. We specify the midpoint...
startandendcontain dates when event starts (inclusive) and ends (exclusive) in Unix timestamp. Classes areevent-important,event-success,event-warning,event-info,event-inverseandevent-special. This wil change the color of your event indicators. ...
Need multiple pseudo-classes? Use a space-separated list:state: hover focus. $utilities:("opacity":(property:opacity,class:opacity,state:hover,values:(0:0,25:.25,50:.5,75:.75,100:1,))); Which outputs to: .opacity-0-hover:hover{opacity:0;}.opacity-25-hover:hover{opacity:.25;}.opa...
// Components w/ JavaScript @import "twitter/bootstrap/modals.less"; @import "twitter/bootstrap/tooltip.less"; @import "twitter/bootstrap/popovers.less"; @import "twitter/bootstrap/carousel.less"; // Utility classes @import "twitter/bootstrap/utilities.less"; @import "twitter/bootstrap/respons...