在Bootstrap 4中添加了一个table-inverseclass类来反向显示表格的颜色。 在表格上可以使用的class类有: table-striped:表格行以斑马线方式显示。 table-bordered:为表格添加灰色的边框。 table-hover:在鼠标滑过表格行时产生变色。 table-sm:减小每一行的padding值以缩小表格。 table-inverse:反向显示表格的颜色。 斑...
不过实际上我们使用 bootstrap-table的JS配置功能肯定比这个复杂很多,下面界面效果是实际表的数据展示。 三、Bootstrap-table详解: 1)整个JS属性配置 以上图为例,上图展示结果的JS代码如下所示: var$table; //初始化bootstrap-table的内容 functionInitMainTable() { //记录页面bootstrap-table全局变量$table,方便...
It is easy to include vue-bootstrap4-table as a component in your application. Import VueBootstrap4Table component in any of your vue component and start using it right away. Note:If you included the library via CDN, then you don't need to import, you can usevue-bootstrap4-tablecompon...
With server-side pagination(启用服务端分页) 2、行列拖动排序 行调序 调序前 拖动行调序到第一行 3、列调序 调序前 拖动列标题调序 调序后 三、行调序代码详解 行调序的代码就更简单了,来看看。 1、需要额外引用两个js文件 <script src="~/Content/jquery-ui-1.11.4.custom/external/jquery.tablednd....
在业务系统开发中,对表格记录的查询、分页、排序等处理是非常常见的,在Web开发中,可以采用很多功能强大的插件来满足要求,且能极大的提高开发效率,本随笔介绍这个bootstrap-table是一款非常有名的开源表格插件,在很多项目中广泛的应用。 Bootstrap-table插件提供了非常丰富的属性设置,可以实现查询、分页、...
<div class="pagination"> <ul> <li class="disabled"><span>«</span></li> <li class="active"><span>1</span></li> ... </ul> </div> 尺寸 需要更大或更小的分页吗?添加.pagination-large、.pagination-small 或.pagination-mini就可以改变分页尺寸。 « 1 2 3 4 5 » « 1...
An extended table to integration with some of the most widely used CSS frameworks. (Supports Bootstrap, Semantic UI, Bulma, Material Design, Foundation, Vue.js) cssradiobootstrappaginationsemanticvuematerialmaterial-designcheckboxdatatablestablefoundationcss-frameworkbulmasemantic-uibootstrap-tablehacktober...
Powerful, extensible, and feature-packed frontend toolkit. Build and customize with Sass, utilize prebuilt grid system and components, and bring projects to life with powerful JavaScript plugins.
Bootstrap has a number of UI components for creating a site’s UI, including Button dropdown, Button group, Dropdown, Navbar, Breadcrumb, Media object, Pagination and Progress bar, just to name a few. Many of these components are responsive themselves, meaning that they render differently bas...
Renamedgrayscale()function togray()to avoid breaking conflict with the CSS nativegrayscalefilter. Renamed.table-inverse,.thead-inverse, and.thead-defaultto.*-darkand.*-light, matching our color schemes used elsewhere. Responsive tables now generate classes for each grid breakpoint. This breaks fro...