Bootstrap的交互式组件(例如模式对话框,下拉菜单和自定义工具提示)可用于触摸,鼠标和键盘用户。通过使用相关的WAI-ARIA角色和属性,使用辅助技术(如屏幕阅读器)也可以理解和操作这些组件。 因为Bootstrap的组件是故意设计成相当通用的,因此作者可能需要进一步包含ARIA角色和属性以及JavaScript行为,以便更准确地传达组件的准确...
受支持的浏览器 引导程序支持最新稳定版本所有主要的浏览器和平台。在Windows上,我们支持InternetExplorer 10-11/MicrosoftEdge... 使用WebKit、Blink或Gecko的最新版本的替代浏览器,无论是直接使用还是通过平台的Web视图API,都不被明确支持。但是,在大多数情况下,引导应该在%29中显示并在这些浏览器中正确工作。下文提供...
4. Reboot 为了改善跨浏览器的渲染,我们使用 Reboot 修正跨浏览器和设备之间的不一致性,同时对常用的 HTML 元素设置统一的效果。 bootstrap4.2.1官方文档: bootstrap4.x通用的中文文档:
-- jQuery (necessary for Bootstrap's JavaScript plugins) --><!-- Include all compiled plugins (below), or include individual files as needed --> Examples Build on the basic template above with Bootstrap's many components. We encourage you to customize and adapt Bootstrap to suit your indi...
The main differences between Bootstrap 5 and Bootstrap 3 & 4, is that Bootstrap 5 has switched toJavaScriptinstead ofjQuery. Note:Bootstrap 3and Bootstrap 4 is still supported by the team for critical bugfixes and documentation changes, and it is perfectly safe to continue to use them. Ho...
Currently v5.3.3. Links Home Docs Examples Icons Themes Blog Swag Store Guides Getting started Starter template Webpack Parcel Vite Projects Bootstrap 5 Bootstrap 4 Icons RFS Examples repo Community Issues Discussions Corporate sponsors Open Collective Stack Overflow ...
Bootstrap5相对Bootstrap4而言,工具类更多,使用上更灵活方便,更易于定制。在Bootstrap5的官网上对每个组件的Sass变量、每个工具类的定义进行了说明。使得定制更加的方便,通过定制可以个性化自己的网站。 参考文献(3~5条)要求如下: [1]Bootstrap5的官网
Getting started Bootstrap (currently v3.3.4) has a few easy ways to quickly get started, each one appealing to a different skill level and use case. Read through to see what suits your particular needs. Bootstrap ported from Less to Sassfor easy inclusion in Rails, Compass, or Sass-only...
Getting started: 5 min quick start: Material Design + Bootstrap Tutorial: Material Design + WordPress Tutorial: ...
Bootstrap 4 – Responsive Web Design Credits Preface What this learning path covers What you need for this learning path Who this learning path is for Reader feedback Customer support Part 1. Module 1 Chapter 1. Getting Started Getting Bootstrap Setting up the framework Building our first Boot...