Bootstrap switch 切换状态踩坑 Boostrap switch 下载地址(http://www.bootcss.com/p/bootstrap-switch/),同时配有一些简单的用例。 其中写到 Toggle State切换状态的方法如下: 然而这句代码拿到项目中却并不能切换按钮状态,并且控制台报错:Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'apply' of undefined. 经查询发...
bootstrapSwitch('state', false); return false; // $('#control_btn').bootstrapSwitch('toggleState'); }); } else { showOkMsg("control_btn state=" + value); } } }); } function showOkMsg(msg) { layer.msg("" + msg + "", {icon: 6, time: 2000}); } function showErrorMsg...
Dey Dey April 21, 2014 Links demo and code Made with HTML / CSS / JS About a code Bootstrap 3 Toggle Switch Button Compatible browsers:Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive:yes Dependencies:jquery.js Bootstrap version:3.1.0
Boostrap switch 下载地址(http://www.bootcss.com/p/bootstrap-switch/),同时配有一些简单的用例。 其中写到 Toggle State切换状态的方法如下: 然而这句代码拿到项目中却并不能切换按钮状态,并且控制台报错:Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'apply' of undefined. ...
$('.radio2').on('switch-change', function () { $('.radio2').bootstrapSwitch('toggleRadioStateAllowUncheck', true); }); 4.启动 ("div[class='switch']").each(function() { $this = $(this); var onColor = $this.attr("onColor"); var offColor ...
Ways to work with the Bootstrap Switch Toggle: Since when anything goes validated to be working in a sphere it usually gets in addition transferred to a similar one, it's sort of natural from a while the necessity of implementing this sort of Bootstrap Switch Class appearance to the checkbo...
Bootstrap Switch Turn checkboxes and radio buttons into toggle switches. Created byMattia Larentis, maintained byEmanuele MarchiandPeter Steinwith the help of the community. Compatible with Bootstrap 4, Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 2. Play withdemo on my fiddle. ...
单独开关 切换上面我们只是通过 data 属性来切换按钮的状态,现在我们来用 JavaScript 来实现。 function Switch() { $("#btn").button('toggle'); } 标记按钮插件完整支持 data 属性。通过下面的案例可以看到各种使用方式。方法$().button('toggle')切换按钮状态。
Bootstrap Switch Turn checkboxes and radio buttons into toggle switches. Created byMattia Larentis, maintained byEmanuele MarchiandPeter Steinwith the help of the community. Compatible with Bootstrap 4, Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 2. Play withdemo on my fiddle. ...