Vertically centered modalVertically centered scrollable modal Copy <!-- Button trigger modal --><buttontype="button"class="btn btn-primary"data-toggle="modal"data-target="#exampleModalCenter">Launch demo modal</button><!-- Modal --><divclass="modal fade"id="exampleModalCenter"tabindex="-1"r...
modal({ keyboard: false }) // initialized with no keyboard $('#myModal').modal('show') // 初始化后立即调用 show 方法 每个插件还通过 Constructor 属性暴露了其原始的构造函数:$.fn.popover.Constructor。如果你想获取某个插件的实例,可以直接通过页面元素获取:$('[rel="popover"]').data('popover'...
Add new configuration option to the open api to make the modal vertically centered please check UIKIT framework style of doing this I'm suggesting to add an option called "center" type boolean, if it'...
$.fn.modal.Constructor.DEFAULTS.keyboard = false // 将模态框插件的 `keyboard` 默认选参数置为 false 避免命名空间冲突 某些时候可能需要将 Bootstrap 插件与其他 UI 框架共同使用。在这种情况下,命名空间冲突随时可能发生。如果不幸发生了这种情况,你可以通过调用插件的 .noConflict 方法恢复其原始值。 Copy var...
Add .modal-dialog-centered to .modal-dialog to vertically center the modal.Launch demo modal Copy <!-- Button trigger modal --> <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#exampleModalCenter"> Launch demo modal </button> <!-- Modal --> <div ...
$.fn.modal.Constructor.DEFAULTS.keyboard = false // 将模态框插件的 `keyboard` 默认选参数置为 false 避免命名空间冲突 某些时候可能需要将 Bootstrap 插件与其他 UI 框架共同使用。在这种情况下,命名空间冲突随时可能发生。如果不幸发生了这种情况,你可以通过调用插件的 .noConflict 方法恢复其原始值。 var boot...
The default behavior of the tooltip plugin is to center it horizontally and vertically. Add white-space: nowrap; to your anchors to avoid this. Tooltips in button groups and input groups require special setting When using tooltips on elements within a .btn-group or an .input-group, you'll ...
Add the .navbar-btn class to <button> elements not residing in a <form> to vertically center them in the navbar. Brand Sign in <button type="button" class="btn btn-default navbar-btn">Sign in</button> Context-specific usage Like the standard button classes, .navbar-btn can be ...
Add.modal-dialog-centeredto.modal-dialogto vertically center the modal. Vertically centered modalVertically centered scrollable modal <!-- Vertically centered modal --><divclass="modal-dialog modal-dialog-centered">...</div><!-- Vertically centered scrollable modal --><divclass="modal-dialog moda...
<template> <div> <b-button id="show-btn" @click="showModal">Open Modal</b-button> <b-button id="toggle-btn" @click="toggleModal">Toggle Modal</b-button> <b-modal ref="my-modal" hide-footer title="Using Component Methods"> <div class="d-block text-center"> <h3>Hello From My...