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组件 · Bootstrap v3 中文文档
获取字体图标 我们已经在环境安装章节下载了 Bootstrap 3.x 版本,并理解了它的目录结构。在fonts文件夹内可以找到字体图标,它包含了下列这些文件: glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff 相关的CSS规则写在dist文件夹内的...
How to Use Bootstrap 3 Glyphicons Glyphicons are great! They're one of my favourite additions to native Bootstrap 3. I've been working with these glyphs quite a lot, so I thought I'd make a cheat sheet for myself. Cheat sheet? Yeah! To use this cheat sheet, simply find the ...
DOCTYPE html>List GlyphList icon:List icon as a link:List icon on a button:List<
如下面所示是Simple Icons的部分图标: Glyphicons:包括200个符号字体格式图表集合,由Glyphicons提供,Glyphicons Halflings 一般是收费的,但是经过Bootstrap和Glyphicons作者之间的协商,允许开发人员不需要支付费用即可使用。 如下是部分Glyphicons内容: 利用这几种图标内容,我们引入下面几种样式就可以了。
Very most popular icons Below is alistof the most well-known completely free and valuable iconic fonts which may possibly be simply applied as Glyphicons alternatives: Font Awesome-- involving even more than 675 icons and even more are up to come. All these additionally come in 5 added to ...
由Glyphicons提供。 icon-glass icon-music icon-search icon-envelope icon-heart icon-star icon-star-empty icon-user icon-film icon-th-large icon-th icon-th-list icon-ok icon-remove icon-zoom-in icon-zoom-out icon-off icon-signal icon-cog icon-trash icon-home icon-file icon-time icon-...
Glyphicons Button groups Input groups Navs Navbar Breadcrumbs Pagination Pager Labels Badges Jumbotron Thumbnails Alerts Progress bars Media items List groups Panels Responsive embed Wells Close icon JavaScript 组件 Component animations (for JS) (includes Collapse) Dropdown...
So these are some of the options to the Bootstrap Glyphicons Social coming from the old Bootstrap 3 version that can be applied with Bootstrap 4. Applying them is convenient, the documents-- normally vast and near the bottom line just these three selections provide pretty much 2k well-maint...