Last reset cause: Software Reset, reset code 0x4 Governator platform with 4194304 Kbytes of main memory No valid BOOT image foundFinal autoboot attempt from default boot device...#Booting tdiag_140_govbund.SPA ...###ELF image verification PASSED +---...
It needs to own all its space as because there is nothing to allocate additional space - again getting back to the analogy of the sparsely populated disk coming from a SAN. To the operating system booted from a sparsely populated disk on SAN, it sees its full amount of storage. It does ...
Testing Memory from 0x00000000 to 0x1fffffff.../Using driver version 4 for media type 1Xmodem file system is available.Base ethernet MAC Address: 84:8a:8d:ce:d7:80The password-recovery mechanism is enabled.USB EHCI 1.00USB EHCI 1.00USB Console INITInitializing Flash...mifs[5]: 12 files,...
andstartrunningthecodeataddress0xffff0. ThisaddressisusuallyintheROM-BIOS.ThePC'sBIOSwilldosomedetectionofthemachine andstartinitializetheinterruptvectorsatphysicaladdress0.It,then,readsthefirst sectorfromabootabledeviceintomemoryatabsoluteaddress0x7c00andjumptothisplace. Generally,thebootingdeviceisfloppydriveor...
Devices in device table: id name bootdisk: Internal flash drive disk0: External USB drive 0rommon 3 > dir bootdisk:Please reset before continuing When I tried to boot from tftp image I got the following (I could ping ok between the switch and tftp server after using the set commands):...
Devices in device table: id name bootdisk: Internal flash drive disk0: External USB drive 0rommon 3 > dir bootdisk:Please reset before continuing When I tried to boot from tftp image I got the following (I could ping ok between the switch and tftp server after using the set commands):...