Experience Windows as if it was designed for Mac: use Mac files, keyboard, trackpad, camera & mic, sound, graphics, Touch ID, and many more. If you have an Apple M-series chip, Boot Camp will not work as it requires a Mac with an Intel processor. To install Windows 11 on your M...
进入管理员权限的命令提示符 输入cd C:\WindowsSupport\BootCamp\Drivers\Apple(注意你自己的Boot Camp文...
Boot Camp is a software utility developed by Apple Inc. that enables Mac users to run Microsoft Windows operating systems alongside macOS on their Mac computers. It essentially allows for the creation of a dual-boot environment, where users can switch between macOS and Windows on the same machin...
当MacBook 能够运行Windows系统,就能享有所有Windows 笔记本的优势! 使用外接第二屏幕触摸时,就能支援外部触摸指令。本篇文章两种使用Bootcamp安装Windows 10 至MacBook 的方法,可以依照需求选择自己合适的方式。
当Windows-10 安装完毕后,只要找到驱动的程序包WindowsSupport,双击打开,找到 “BootCamp” 文件夹,再...
报错的原因是系统文件install.wim超过了4G,详见之前的文章MAC装windows,启动转换助理(bootcamp)“拷贝Windows安装文件时出错“的解决办法 | 我的BLOG (x6x8.com) 现在说另一种方法,可以让最新的系统版本也能装到MAC电脑里,不用担心体积大于4G。 下载MSDN原版的Windows系统ISO,解压ISO,在sources文件夹里找到install....
i've made the mistake to clean the SSD to install both big sur and windows from scratch. Big sur is good and operational, loading bootcamp assist, i can make a pen with Windows 10, then i can create the partition and then tha mac restarts. it restarts two times, the first i can't...
Installing Windows 10 on mid-2012 MBP I'm trying to install Windows 10 on my MacBook using Bootcamp. I've followed several tutorials including the Apple tutorial, but I'm running into issues. I have a brand new Crucial 500gb SSD running a fresh new version of Catalina. I've downloaded...
1 To install Windows onto your Mac, you need to locate and launch the Boot Camp Assistant (Applications, Utilities), which will guide you through the installation process. It's worth taking a look at the Installation and Setup Guide for Boot Camp before proceeding, as the process will vary...
5、WINDOWS很快安装好了,这时进入U盘的BOOTCAMP目录,执行SETUP安装WINDOWS的驱动程序 6、驱动程序安装完会提示重启电脑,重启开机时按住option键再次进入MAC OS X,打开“磁盘工具”,进入分区 7、选中苹果分区,点+号,分别新建D、E两个68G的exFAT分区,供MAC和WINDOWS共享使用!