Dec 6, 2016 11:01 AM in response to mozef Are Bootcamp drivers installed? Check Device Manager for any unknown devices (yellow triangle and exclamation mark). The BC6 drivers can be obtained using either Apple Software Update on Windows or BC Assistant -> Action -> Download... Reply U...
Whenever I was using windows via boot camp, bluetooth would be quite unstable, and latest as soon as the WiFi was in use, the bluetooth mouse was gone.At some point, with new drivers from Apple the problem got better, but it returned. Now I think I know why and I want to share my...
Bluetooth vanished in windows Bootcamp Hey there, so i've been using bootcamp on my 2020 base model intel Macbook pro 13' for gaming with an External GPU (Razor core x with an Nvidia EVGA RTX 2060). Usually this only works if i plug the EGPU in after disable bluetooth or my mac simp...
Experience: Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.4190.0 Windows Updates: Updated Apple Update Software Version Updates: Updated ...But... Fingerprint reader doesn't work. Unrecognized drives are: 3x Bluetooth Peripheral Device OTA1 SppGen1 UUID128 Does anyone have the drivers? Welcome to...
This issue was present also in windows 8.1 (but not in windows before updating to windows 10. I have tried to install the latest intel drivers for windows 10 but it did not work. Any idea on what to try? By the way, also the Bluetooth USB Host controller driver is not working. ...
Bootcamp Drivers Not Installing on Windows 10 I've successfully installed Windows 10 on an external drive. The only issue is that none of the drivers (for wifi, bluetooth, mouse, keyboard, etc) seem to have installed at all. I tried running the setup file in the bootcamp folder several ...
My Windows 10 Bootcamp partition has stopped having Bluetooth functionality. There's no toggle when I go to Bluetooth settings. Things I tried: Updating Windows Bluetooth drivers Running Bootcamp repair application from a USB drive Repairing/Uninstalling BT drivers in Device Manager SMC/NVRAM ...
Bootcamp Windows 10 Drivers? Hayy, I have a question about the Bootcamp Windows 10 Drivers. I run Windows 10 on my Mac (mid 2012) but I don’t have access to Wi-Fi and Bluetooth and more, so I want to install the Bootcamp Drivers. The problem is that I get an error in the Bootc...
Have tried several of the recommended solutions, including "repairing" boot camp drivers without success (three times, in spite of the thing about doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result). The closest I've ever gotten is the Bluetooth Setup in Windows recognizing the ...
Hayy, I have a question about the Bootcamp Windows 10 Drivers. I run Windows 10 on my Mac (mid 2012) but I don’t have access to Wi-Fi and Bluetooth and more, so I want to install the Bootcamp Drivers. The problem is that I get an error in the Bootcamp Assistant. I saw a few...