网络按照缺省配置启动交换机 网络释义 1. 按照缺省配置启动交换机 H3C S9500系列路由交换机 安装手册 -... ... 0. Reboot ¬ 重新启动交换机 1.Boot with default mode¬按照缺省配置启动交换机...|基于 1 个网页
1. Boot with default mode 2. Boot from Flash 3. Boot from CFCard 4. Enter serial submenu 5. Enter ethernet submenu 6. Enter file system submenu 7. Enter password submenu 8. Modify Flash description area 9. Clear password for console user 10. Reboot Enter your choice(1-10): 表12-1Bo...
MAIN MENU 1. Boot with default mode 2. Boot from Flash 3. Boot from CFCard 4. Enter serial submenu 5. Enter ethernet submenu 6. Enter file system submenu 7. Enter password submenu 8. Modify Flash description area 9. Clear password for console user 10. Reboot Enter your choice(1-10):...
Cloud Studio代码运行 $ qemu-system-arm-Mvexpress-a9-m 512M-nographic-kernel./u-boot-sd./uboot.diskU-Boot2020.01(Jul052021-16:43:03+0800)DRAM:512MiBWARNING:Caches not enabledFlash:128MiBMMC:MMC:0***Warning-badCRC,usingdefaultenvironmentIn:serialOut:serialErr:serialNet:smc911x-0Hit any key...
[ERROR]Failed to execute goal org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-maven-plugin:2.3.1.RELEASE:build-image(default-cli)on project play:Executiondefault-cliofgoal org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-maven-plugin:2.3.1.RELEASE:build-image failed:DockerAPIcall to'localhost/v1.24/images/create?fromImag...
用sudo gedit /etc/grub.b/00_header 命令打开00_header 这个文件,找到 ser default ="${GRUB_DEFAULT}" 一行,将${GRUB_DEFAULT} 换成欲默认启动的操作系统的序号(从0开始),保存,再update-grub。这样每次update-grub之后生成的grub.cfg将自动改成我 们想要的样子。
PC机上引导程序一般由BIOS开始执行,然后读取硬盘中位于MBR(Main Boot Record,主引导记录)中的Bootloader(例如LILO或GRUB),并进一步引导操作系统的启动。 嵌入式系统中通常没有像BIOS那样的固件程序,因此整个系统的加载启动就完全由bootloader来完成,它主要的功能是加载与引导内核映像。
addresses of the secure* code also needs to be relocated along with the accompanying u-boot* code.** So DISCARD is only for CONFIG_ARMV7_SECURE_BASE.*//DISCARD/ : { *(.rel._secure*) }#endif/** 指定可执行文件(image)的全局入口地址,通常都放在ROM(flash)0x0位置* 设置 0 的原因是 arm...
Following command will delete the/SAFEBOOToption and help machine boot into normal mode: bcdedit /deletevalue {default} safeboot Open administrative command prompt to run abovebcdeditcommand. For detailed command and option information at the command prompt, typebcdedit.exe /?command. ...
MAIN MENU 1. Boot with default mode 2. Boot from Flash 3. Boot from CFCard 4. Enter serial submenu 5. Enter ethernet submenu 6. Enter file system submenu 7. Enter password submenu 8. Modify Flash description area 9. Clear password for console user 10. Reboot Enter your choice(1-10):...