不能进系统的话,找主板上的黄色CMOS按钮,断开电源,按住5秒,再通电,再开机看看。 还是不行,报修。 欢迎来到社区,我是一名志愿者,私人信息不会被回复。如果我的回复对您有帮助, 请点击按钮。如果我的回复帮助您解决了问题,别忘了点击,可以帮到其他遇到同样问题的用户。 微信服务 | 惠普官网 (hp.com) 惠普服务...
可能是你的光驱没接好或有故障,最好在CMOS中将各IDE口设为自动。3、Press F1 to continue,DEL to enter SETUP 开机后 按DEL 进入 BIOS ,在选择软驱中选择 NONE 后按F10保存就可以了 4、CMOS checksum error-Defaults loaded Press F1 to contnue?DEL to enter SETUP 08/09/2000-i810-ITE8...
Since you've removed the SSD and can access recovery options, consider connecting the SSD to another computer as an external drive to recover important data. Please refer this CMOS Reset(502) follow the troubleshooting steps HP PCs - 500, 501, or 502 error displays on a blac...
2、pri slave drive-ATAPI LNCOMPatible press F1 to Resume 可能是你的光驱没接好或有故障,最好在CMOS中将各IDE口设为自动。 3、Press F1 to continue,DEL to enter SETUP 开机后 按DEL 进入 BIOS ,在选择软驱中选择 NONE 后按F10保存就可以了 4、CMOS checksum error-Defaults loaded Press F1 to contnue?
Steps i already did ,Change CMOS battery ,update latest bios ,Observation1. when trying to set time in bios , alway... screen is black By:lethaboo | inDesktop Boot and Lockup | Jan 07, 2025 Hello, I'm reaching out for assistance with my HP EliteBook Revolve 810 laptop. Recently, th...
Please Enter CPU speed CMOS setup and Remember to save Before Exit! 这说明BIOS设置被冲掉了,要重新设置BIOS(又叫做CMOS设置)。开机按住“Del”键进入设置,看你的主板说明书。你的CPU频率是多少?在BIOS中要选好外频,倍频反正是锁定的。外频总是66、100或133,要看CPU型号,从低往高设置。如果是AWARD的BIOS...
Press and hold the CLEAN CMOS button for at least two (2) seconds to clear the Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS). The LED will flash for five (5) seconds. The computer will power on automatically and reset the BIOS settings to default settings. Allow the process to complete su...
Press and hold the CLEAN CMOS button for at least two (2) seconds to clear the Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS). The LED will flash for five (5) seconds. The computer will power on automatically and reset the BIOS settings to default settings. Allow the process to complete su...
开机时要按F1或F2这是BIOS设置错误引起的,一般由以下几种情况引起。1、没有软驱但启用了软驱,可将软驱禁用。开机按DEL进BIOS,选择:STANDARD CMOS FEATURES DRIVE A : 设置为 None DRIVE B : 设置为 None 按F10 保存,输入“Y”回车即可。 (xyz5819 意念时空)2、内存有问题 或者CPU频率被更改...