boot system flash bootflash:/cat4500-entservicesk9-mz.122-31.SGA10.bin 设置启动 ISO
boot system flash bootflash: As far as I remembered, "boot system flash flash:" (later became "bootflash:") was predominantly used by the Catalyst 4k and 6k. 2k and 3k switches used "boot system flash:". However, when the first ASR routers started shipping (some time in 2012 ...
重启,按mode键进入boot模式,查看flash文件,找到ios镜像的路径 然后boot system (ios镜像路径),然后保存后重启
The only way around this (without changing the config registry) is to rename the filename of the old IOS so that the switch won't read it. boot system flash bootflash:/cat4500e-universalk9.SPA.03.05.02.E.152-1.E2.bin Your boot variable string is incorrect. It should be: boot s...
Router(config)#boot system flash:c2800nmc-advipservicesk9-mz.151-4.M2.bin 表示从Flash载入c2800nmc-advipservicesk9-mz.151-4.M2.bin来进行开机 ftp顾名思义就是从FTP上下载指定的IOS tftp顾名思义就是从TFTP上下载指定的IOS 这几种是比较常用的 mop、rcp、rom是比较少人用的 前两者...
boot config-file flash:/xxx 这条命令是开机启动confing配置文件的,不能起到指定IOS的功能。boot system flash:/xxx 可以指定开机启动哪个ios。觉得保存一下配置