Configure your Surface to start from a USB drive After your USB drive is set up as a bootable drive with an appropriate operating system on it, you’ll need to set up your Surface to boot from this drive. This requires you to make changes in the UEFI so that the USB drive is the f...
通过Windows 从 USB 启动 如果使用可启动 USB 启动 Surface 时遇到问题,你可以尝试通过 Windows 进行启动。 要执行此操作: 将U 盘插入 USB 端口,然后选择“启动>设置>系统>恢复”。 在“高级启动”下,选择“立即重启”。 在“选择一个选项”屏幕上,选择“使用设备”>“USB 存储”。 将Surface 配置为从 U 盘...
求助SURFACE ..如题,secure boot 切换选项就会弹这个弹窗出来求高手解答没人吗自顶一下继续顶有没有人。。。
When I connect the installation USB, the BIOS boot manager shows two EFI boot options. One boots the installer from USB and the other boots from SSD. When I remove the USB stick, I don't see any boot options in the EFI list.Regards,James Reply Share Resources...
Surface Pr..半年前朋友给借走,很不讲究的把我正版系统暴力重装成盗版WIN10。因为WIN10好多游戏都花了钱。就要U启重新安装正版的。去官网下了对应序号的镜像。写到U盘开始重装。U盘的盘符已经用WINDOWS做成
secure boot的意思 就是uefi安全启动的意思 必须是正规签名的系统和驱动才能被引导开机 这也就是为什么很多小白不能在surface上用pe的原因 修改了安全启动 就必去输入bitlocker 才能生效 在硬件级别的uefi安全启动面前 那些用pe的小白 还自以为是大神 能解决一切。。。不关安全启动 它们的pe就是个笑话。。。 来自An...
有大神么 怎么关闭s..如题 怎么关闭surface pro 的Secure Boot 安全启动项 别的电脑都关过 bios界面都基本一致 能找到条项 就是surface好独立 界面完全不一样 找不到关闭点
From your report it seems as if the surface laptop does not support booting from a CD-ROM? (this would mean upstream ISOs don't work on it?) this documentation seems to confirm that: - they recommend trying Rufus whic...
你好,U盘先做U盘启动盘,把U盘做成PE预装系统。 进入BIOS:按住音量+键,再按电源开关键,出现surface时松开电源开关键,就进入BIOS了。将Secure Boot关闭。重装win8(只能是X64的系统,X86测试不能引导)
I upgraded from "Windows 10 to 11 via the auto update offer at the end of Jan-22, all worked fine up until last week when I tried to boot up following a...