按下启动键就能直接进入Boot Manager引导界面,其中Boot Option Menu是引导驱动器菜单,窗口中的选项HDD0:KING SHARE 300064G是电脑中放置的固态硬盘,2、Network Boot:Realtek PXE B03 D00是通过网络引导,3、USB HDD:SanDisk则是你刚才制作了快启动u盘pe启动盘的u盘(大家在u盘启动的时候一直不懂自己...
BootOption+String name+String type+void addBootOption()+void removeBootOption()+void setPriority()USBextendsBootOption+void formatUSB()HDDextendsBootOption+void optimizeHDD()CDROMextendsBootOption+void eject() 在上述类图中,BootOption是一个基类,表示任何一种引导选项。USB、HDD和CDROM类则分别扩展了Boot...
In [Boot Option #1]③, select the USB flash drive or CD-ROM you want to use④. If the USB flash drive or CD-ROM you want to use does not appear in the Boot Menu, first refer to How to Adjust the Relevant Settings to Change Boot Options. Save the settings and exit. Press the...
开机后系统运行,等出现ASUS的标志时按F2进入BIOS的设定。首先映入眼帘的是BIOS设定的基本界面,它分3部分:主菜单、子菜单和操作讲解部分。1.首先,带大家了解一下基本的操作方法:←→Select Screen选择主菜单(翻屏);↑↓ Select Ttem选择子菜单;Enter Go To SubScreen选择项目;F1 General Help普通帮助;F9 Load ...
In [Boot Option #1]③, select the USB flash drive or CD-ROM you want to use④. If the USB flash drive or CD-ROM you want to use does not appear in the Boot Menu, first refer to How to Adjust the Relevant Settings to Change Boot Options. Save the settings and exit. Press the...
In[Boot Option #1]③,select the USB flash drive or CD-ROMyou want to use④. If the USB flash drive or CD-ROM you want to use does not appear in the Boot Menu, first refer toHow to Adjust the Relevant Settings to Change Boot Options. ...
In[Boot Option #1]③,select the USB flash drive or CD-ROMyou want to use④. If the USB flash drive or CD-ROM you want to use does not appear in the Boot Menu, first refer toHow to Adjust the Relevant Settings to Change Boot Options. ...
(Then, you can boot the ASUS laptop from USB). Usually, to enter the boot menu, you should enter BIOS in advance. However, if you know the computer/laptop model and the supported boot menu key, it's not necessary to go through opening the BIOS interface....