My laptop model no is A515-5g-58Gi. I have made HP pen drive bootable for Linux os . Secure Boot loader is disable. Boot mode is UEFI.
But when I restart, Windows still does not load. I use several installation pendrives with Windows 10, buy none of them start up (it freezes at the splash screen) I try to boot Linux with a pendrive, and it works, along with all the hardware (...
YUMI Legacy freeware View Image YUMI, developed by Pen Drive Linux, is a versatile Multiboot USB creator designed for Windows. It allows users to effortlessly create a bootable USB drive with multiple operating systems, antivirus tools, and other utilities. YUMI stands out for its intui...
MultiBootUSB 是一个软件/安装程序,允许用户将多个 Live Linux 发行版安装到单个 USB 驱动器/Pendrive/闪存驱动器中,并能够从中启动。使用内置的 QEMU 无需重新启动即可测试 USB。专业小工具,需要的朋友请在本站下载使用! 软件特色 开源 MultiBootUSB 在 GPL 下发布。它使用网络上最好的开源软件。
实现效果: 如何使用: 官网下载 添加一个文件 移除一个或多个
Kon-Boot是一款很好用的电脑密码破解工具,其实它是以清除和绕过系统登录密码的方式让用户不需要密码就可以登录系统,解决用户在密码忘记时的尴尬~支持Win10系统,以及支持其他Windows、Linux、MAC等操作系统 Kon-Boot软件介绍 适用于Windows和Mac OSX的KON-BOOT 2in1。 一个Kon-Boot pendrive可以绕过Windows和Mac OSX授...
Pen Drive Linux—This tool, aka Your Universal Multiboot Installer (YUMI), aka MultiSystem, enables creating a USB drive that hosts several distributions. Both Windows and Linux versions are available. Unfortunately, it's still based on BIOS-mode booting assumptions; disks created with this tool ...
多启动引导工具_YUMI – Multiboot USB Creator,实现效果:如何使用:官网下载添加一个文件移除一个或多个
一个Kon-Boot pendrive可以绕过Windows和Mac OSX授权流程。一个Kon-Boot pendrive来统治他们!Kon-Boot 2in1基本上是用于Windows的Kon-Boot和用于Mac OSX的Kon-Boot连接在一起的。不再需要多个Pendrives。 绕过系统登陆密码工具 Kon-Boot 2.7 (Win macOS) ...
Uses GRUB 2 as boot manager It can boot hybrid iso images directly (if the distro has the support) Ubuntu and Ubuntu based distros like Linux mint can be booted from same pendrive. It uses Zenity as GUI and no commands need to be typed in the terminal (except to invoke the program/sc...