默默无闻 1 一样。。。 MisterRen 默默无闻 1 找到解决方法了么 闫尽 默默无闻 1 一样 请问怎么解决 小小旦丁 默默无闻 1 请问老哥解决了吗 登录百度帐号 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示5回复...
hyper-v 创建..我用hyper-v创建2代虚拟机, 启动以后老是boot failed efi scsi device, 但是创建1代虚拟机就没事, 我搜到的答案就是只有win8和windows server 201
Hi there, For school I have to set up a virtual test-network using Hyper-V and Windows Server 2022. I downloaded the free Trial Version .ISO file here Next I've set up the virtual machine and selected install from bootable CD > Image File (iso) >
This Hyper-V is the WORST implementation I have EVER seen.I have Generation 1 VM. I have ISO, WIN8.ISO. I boot from IDE CD. It boots FINE. OS installs FINE, nothing wrong with the ISO, my machine or the install of Hyper-V....
I used Etcher in dangerous mode to write the .img file to a 16GB SSD (salvaged from a Thin Client) Attached the drive to my Windows 2016 server via a Sharkoon SATA to USB converter. Offlined the disk in Windows Disk Management Created a new Hyper-V VM with the offline disk as a...
hyper-v安装w..我试过win7的也试过win8.1的镜像都不行,那个win8.1的之前还在VMware上用过。后来卸了VMware,用Hyper-V ,想再用VMware时才发现,他们不能共存。。。
1.Hyper-V管理器新建虚拟机,名称如:centos-8,存储路径默认或者指定,虚拟机的代数选择第一代(兼容性好点)启动内存选择动态或者固定内存如4096MB,配置网络(如果双网卡的),会有网卡选项选择即可,创建虚拟硬盘20GB,下一步以后安装操作系统,完成即可。 2.Hyper-V虚拟机centos-8新建完毕后,右键设置 处理器选择虚拟处理...
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After enabling the Hyper-V role on Windows Server 2022 on a Intel NUC6CAYH with Celeron Processor J3455 the unit goes in a bootloop (recovery). This...