Configure your Surface to start from a USB drive Once your USB drive is set up as a bootable drive with an appropriate operating system on it, you’ll need to set up your Surface to boot from this drive. This requires you to make changes in the UEFI so that the USB drive is the fi...
在UEFI 启动配置屏幕的“高级选项”下确保“启用从 USB 设备启动”为“启用”。 若要了解如何启动到 UEFI 配置,请参阅如何实现Surface Pro 3 及更早版本的设备上使用 BIOS/UEFI和如何使用 Surface UEFI。 如果已配置启动顺序,请检查 UEFI 启动配置屏幕中的“高级选项”以确保“配置备用系统启动顺序”为“启用”。
Configure your Surface to start from a USB drive After your USB drive is set up as a bootable drive with an appropriate operating system on it, you’ll need to set up your Surface to boot from this drive. This requires you to make changes in the UEFI so that the USB drive is the f...
I am trying to install the latest version of fedora to my surface pro 7. I have changed the secure boot settings as well as the boot order, and I have a usb drive formatted using the Fedora tool. I am able to have the grub loader appear with the options to boot into Fedora, when ...
1. What is Surface? 2. Why do you require booting from USB? 3. What kind of preparatory work should you do? These three questions show you the prerequisites and the importance of booting Surface from USB. Let us explore them one by one. ...
求助SURFACE ..如题,secure boot 切换选项就会弹这个弹窗出来求高手解答没人吗自顶一下继续顶有没有人。。。
Surface Pr..半年前朋友给借走,很不讲究的把我正版系统暴力重装成盗版WIN10。因为WIN10好多游戏都花了钱。就要U启重新安装正版的。去官网下了对应序号的镜像。写到U盘开始重装。U盘的盘符已经用WINDOWS做成
surface pro 7怎么关闭secure boot? 1、首先我们按F2/Del等按键进入BIOS设。2、找到OS Optimized Defaults,设置成Disabled或Other OS(不同主板名称不同)3、关闭OS Optimized Defaults后切换到B... surface pro的uefi固件启动老毛桃pe Advanced BIOS Features2、设置first boot device为USB-HDD(有的电脑估计没有这项...
如果您已經設定開機順序,請檢查 UEFI 開機設定畫面中的[進階選項],確定[啟用替代開機順序]為 [開啟]。 若要瞭解如何開機至 UEFI 設定,請參閱 如何? 在 Surface Pro 3 及較舊的裝置上使用 BIOS/UEFI,以及如何使用 Surface UEFI。 如果可能,請使用其他 USB 磁碟機。