计算机开机提示 “No Boot Device”、“无启动设备”或“找不到启动设备”。 问题原因 HDD启动项被异常关闭导致。 Windows系统故障导致。 设备在使用过程中,硬盘金手指部分可能会产生轻微的积灰/氧化膜等现象导致硬盘连接异常。 硬盘或主板故障。 解决方案 在计算机开机或重启时,长按或连续点按 F2 键进入 BIOS 设置...
解决启动项错误 重启电脑,在第一画面立即按 F2 进入 BIOS系统 ,找到启动项这一栏,将装有系统的硬盘设置为第一启动项。一般单硬盘的话,机械硬盘会有HDD标识,固态会有SSD标识,自己电脑硬盘是那种选那种就可以了。硬盘设置为第一启动项后,按F10保存,然后重启即可。
1-需要使用Windows 10或者11的原版wim镜像(雨林木风、深度技术的GHO镜像经过试验发现依然会出现“INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE”错误,所以这里以wim镜像为例,如果有大神实验GHO镜像成功,麻烦批评指正),Win11的2022年4月最新下载链接(ed2k、BT链接Windows 11 (business editions) (updated April 2022) (x64) - DVD简体中文...
Inaccessible Boot Device I upgraded from "Windows 10 to 11 via the auto update offer at the end of Jan-22, all worked fine up until last week when I tried to boot up following a regular shut down I got a blue screen with "In...Show More Configuration Reply View Full Discussion (6 ...
Error: Boot Device Not Found in Windows 11 A boot device is any part of the hardware that stores information required to boot your device. All files needed by the operating system whenever you restart your device are held by the boot device. A boot device could be several things, either ...
注入Intel RST VMD快速存储驱动 v19.5.3.1051 解决intel芯片组系列主板无法识别SSD的问题 Windows 11 ...
计算机无法退出BIOS,退出的时候跳入NO BOOT DEVICE界面 问题现象 如果您在使用计算机的过程中,出现设备无法退出BIOS,退出的时候跳入NO BOOT DEVICE界面。 问题原因 可能是您在设置BIOS的过程中,误关闭了硬盘启动顺序导致。 解决方案 请您按照以下方法操作,重新打开硬盘
File system initialization might have failed because it didn't recognize the data on the boot device. Repartitioning the system partition, changing the BIOS configuration, or installing a disk controller can also cause this error. This error always occurs while the system is starting. This...
About boot device on windows 11 proStart a conversation Are you having HotKey issues? Click here for tips and tricks. Create an account on the HP Community to personalize your profile and ask a question Your account also allows you to connect with HP support faster,...
Windows 11 BIOS 默认的引导顺序是 HDD、USB、PXE。如果要指定引导盘,请在“Bootable Device”处选择对应的硬盘,并取消选择其他硬盘。 若您希望在BIOS Setup 界面的“Bootable Device”和 Boot Manager 界面的启动设备中看到新安装的硬盘并设置从新硬盘启动,您需要在新硬盘中增加可引导的系统文件,从而才能将操作系统安...