$ ip -f inet -o addr show docker0 | awk '{print $4}' | cut -d '/' -f 1 启动Docker容器并将本地prometheus.yml文件,映射到Docker容器中的文件。 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 运行 AI代码解释 $ docker run \ -p 9090:9090 \ -v /path/to/prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus...
note thewidthat whichdat0cut off if there is nodat0cut off until 100000, the setup is wrong/faulty sdboot width=<cutoff_width-100> width_max=<cutoff_width+100> width_step=20 repeat at least 5 times note thewidthat whichdat0alwayscuts off, this is the "threshold" ...
* 环绕通知:灵活自由的在目标方法中切入代码 */@Around("cutMethod()")publicvoidaround(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint)throws Throwable{// 获取目标方法的名称String methodName=joinPoint.getSignature().getName();// 获取方法传入参数Object[]params=joinPoint.getArgs();Lingyejun lingyejun=getDeclaredAnnotation(j...
-- 全局css --> <!-- 全局js --> ${layoutContent} 开发页面时,只需编写如下代码即可 @layout("/common/_container.html"){ 部门管理
但是每次都去ctrl+f9显得特别麻烦,可以把编码配置成ctrl+s ,这样习惯性保存就编译。在setting中找到keymap,搜索build,找到Build Project ,右键 Add Keyboar Shortcut.增加ctrl+s按键。 重启项目,当修改了代码,按一下ctrl+s,即可触发热部署功能。当然还有一种方式是开启IDEA自动编译代码的功能,这样不用按ctrl+s就能...
Aspect:Aspect是Point cut与Advice的组合, 因此在这里我们就可以类比: “根据老王的线索, 凡是发现有身高七尺五寸的男性, 都要抓过来审问” 这一整个动作可以被认为是一个Aspect。 3.aop实现 aop常用于实现接口计时、输出日志等功能 下例以输出日志为例,用注解的方式实现aop ...
<!-- --> Heading Black then white on row hover some info grey then white on hover
If you install the PK at the end, the MS KEK, db, dbx don’t need to be signed – no SignerInfo must be present. This is a shortcut. Testing Secure Boot: Execute any proprietary tests and Windows HCK tests as per instructions. SeeAppendix B – Secure Boot APIs. ...
Use the responsive .row-cols-* classes to quickly set the number of columns that best render your content and layout. Whereas normal .col-* classes apply to the individual columns (e.g., .col-md-4), the row columns classes are set on the parent .row as a shortcut....
Cut/Avoid Costs The owner may bootstrap during the early days of the company by limiting spending. For example, the owner may personally deliver goods to customers in their local area instead of paying extra for delivery services. In this bootstrapping strategy, the owner is not limited to ...