将牙买加的雷鬼、SKA、DUB 音乐率先带入英国的唱片公司 Trojan Records,正值成立 50 周年,为了庆祝特别同 Carhartt WIP 携手打造了一组联名系列,并由芝加哥设计团体 Boot Boyz 负责此次的图形设计,将他们标志性的 DIY 美学与 Trojan Records 的图形档案融合。“Trojan Explosion”、“Highly Explosive Reggae Hits”、...
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Submitted 1 year ago By Pow Boyz From Cal Poly SLO Bought this for my college son who lives in small dorm room with 2 roommates. Between all their mountain biking gear, ski gear and all the other stuff crammed into their dorm room, it was necessary that he had a pack that could fit...
Liverpool FC & The Boot Room Boyz: Pass & Move (It's the Liverpool Groove): Con John Barnes, Robbie Fowler, Rob Jones, Jason McAteer.
Liverpool FC & The Boot Room Boyz: Pass & Move (It's the Liverpool Groove) (Music Video 1996) - Plot summary, synopsis, and more...
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Liverpool FC & The Boot Room Boyz: Pass & Move (It's the Liverpool Groove) (Music Video 1996) - Movies, TV, Celebs, and more...
@Configuration public class WebSocketConfig { /** * @see https://www.cnblogs.com/betterboyz/p/8669879.html * 首先要注入ServerEndpointExporter,这个bean会自动注册使用了@ServerEndpoint注解声明的Websocket endpoint。 * 要注意,如果使用独立的servlet容器,而不是直接使用springboot的内置容器,就不要注入ServerEndp...