In this image of M101, Selective Color Boosting was used to keep the core warm, and the spiral arms cool. There are no rules when it comes to the exact saturation settings you should use to enhance the color of your image. I tend to bump the sliders up to about 15-20, depending on...
Oversampling techniques aim to improve classification performance by increasing the number of instances in the minority class according to certain rules. Unlike undersampling techniques, oversampling does not involve the removal of a large number of samples that may contain important information. The sim...
Wang and Qin [16], offered a virtual mouse system where the HSV color space was used to identify skin regions, but details on the threshold values used for hand segmentation were not stated. The hand is tracked using the Camshift algorithm and a set of rules are applied for fingertip extra...
thereby providing the informational foundation for the L-DT model in this section. The L-DT model employs a series of decision rules, trained on the aforementioned data, to predict the optimal segmentation scheme for each coding block at different segmentation levels. The output of this model is...
The first one, known as the niche-based modelling approach (predicting first and assembling later), by mapping each species individually and assembling later according to specific vegetation classification rules and interactions of different species (like interspecific competition), requires ground truth ...