主题:Boost Post(速推帖子)与Ads Manager(商业Facebook广告投放工具)差异? 时间:2018年9月25日晚8点 嘉宾:陈汉发 嘉宾简介:专研脸书营销和自建站,专攻东南亚和欧美市场,已培训百场,超过千人学员。他将与您分享多年所学,由浅至深教会您使用脸书,让国内有更多潜质的产品和品牌名扬国际。 聊点: 1、如何正确使用速...
The other way to push a post into the news feed is touse the Ads Manager(orPower Editor) to promote a post. The benefit of promoting a post is that you have more targeting, pricing and bidding options. To get started promoting a post, just go tohttps://www.facebook.com/ads/create/...
The other way to push a post into the news feed is touse the Ads Manager(orPower Editor) to promote a post. The benefit of promoting a post is that you have more targeting, pricing and bidding options. To get started promoting a post, just go tohttp://www.facebook.com/ads/create/...
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More than three hours of videos were recorded on specific topics (listed below) to help better understand the process of campaign creation in Ads Manager. Audio Only Option Each lesson also consists of an audio only option to either listen within the page or download and listen separately. ...
Features of BoostLike, the top app to increase like on FB Earn credits through ads and keep using the app for free Does not require passwords to give your FB a boost Includes live customer support as well Provides language support for multiple languages Download this top FB free likes app ...
6. Set up the Facebook pixel It must’ve happened to you at some point – you visit a page and suddenly the ads start popping up all over Facebook. This “stalking” effect is accomplished using the Facebook Pixel. With LeadQuizzes, you can easily integrate the pixel with your quiz ...
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#4: Performance of ads Ads on Facebook have been performing extremely well, resulting inad revenue of $6.82 billion. These numbers have increased by 59% since 2015. According toSocial Flow, each of the $1.7 billion users is worth $14.17 in annual ad revenue. A 2014 study also found that...