b2/4.5.0: Calling build() LOCALAPPDATA=C:\Users\Aaron Curley\AppData\Local Found with vswhere C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community ### ### "Unknown toolset: vcunk" ### ### You can specify the toolset as the argument, i.e.: ### .\build.bat msvc ### ### ...
warning: toolset mpi initialization: can not find tool mpic++ warning: initialized from project-config.jam:58 MPI auto-detection failed: unknown wrapper compiler mpic++ Please report this error to the Boost mailing list:http://www.boost.org You will need to manually configure MPI support. warnin...
生成有 b2 和 bjam ,以及一个 project-config.jam 的文件,修改该文件的一行(指定自己的编译器): # Boost.Build Configuration# Automatically generated by bootstrap.shimport option ;import feature ;# Compiler configuration. This definition will be used unless# you already have defined some toolsets in ...
But we only want to indicate toolset # deduced default, so also pick whatever address-model is explicitly # specified, if any. result = <deduced-address-model>$(result) [ property.select : $(properties) ] ; } return $(result) ; } rule address-model ( ) { return <cond...
bjam --without-python --toolset=msvc-8.0 --build-type=complete install 2. 编译具有ICU支持的boost库 首先我们必须编译ICU库才能够编译boost库,在准备好的console窗口中输入: bjam -sICU_PATH=d:/ICU --without-python --toolset=msvc-8.0 --build-type=complete stage ...
# Returns the properties identifying the toolset. We'll use them # below to configure checks. These are essentially same as in # configure.builds, except we don't use address-model and # architecture - as we're trying to detect them here. ...
1. toolset参数中,试图用vc,正确的应该是msvc。 vc用于库文件的命名后缀中。两个名字能统一就好了。 2. 编译工具的版本号应该用点号分隔,并且总是应该指定该版本号。 如msvc-71是错误的,应该用msvc-7.1。 小版本号不能省,如msvc-6.0不能写成msvc-6。
-ftemplate-depth-128 unknown command (the path to the compiler is missing). Manipulating user-config.jam The source problemis the method updateBoost() in the boost.sh script. It adds some using-statements to the user-config.jam which are used to tell boost where to find the compiler and...
当中用蓝色标记出的部分(layout, local_size_x, local_size_y, local_size_z, in)为keyword,斜体...