BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(unsigned,count=(encode_counter<T,N +5>::count)); } __if_not_exists(the_counter<N +4>) { __if_exists(the_counter<N>) { BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(unsigned,count=(encode_counter<T,N +1>::count)); } __if_not_exists(the_counter<N>) { BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(uns...
BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(bool, is_const = true); BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(bool, is_volatile = false); typedef T unqualified_type; }; template <typename T> struct cv_traits_imp<volatile T*> { BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(bool, is_const = false); BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(bool, is_volatile = true); ty...
< difference_type of user allocator.BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(unsigned,requested_size=RequestedSize);//!< The size of each chunk allocated by this pool.BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(unsigned,next_size=NextSize);//!< The number of chunks to allocate on the first allocation.private:singleton_pool();#ifndef...
BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(bool, is_integer = true); BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(bool, is_exact = true); BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, radix = 2); static BOOST_LLT epsilon() throw() { return 0; }; static BOOST_LLT round_error() throw() { return 0; }; static BOOST_LLT epsilon() BOOST_NOEXCEPT...
static std::string symbol() {return "%";} }; typedef percent_base_unit::unit_type percent_unit; BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT(percent, percent_unit); } BOOST_UNITS_DEFINE_CONVERSION_FACTOR( my::percent_base_unit, si::dimensionless, double, 1.0e-2 ...
m.unlock_shared(); } }; #ifdefBOOST_THREAD_NO_AUTO_DETECT_MUTEX_TYPES template<typenameT> structis_mutex_type<shared_lock_guard<T> > { BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(bool, value =true); }; #endif } #endif//header Copy lines Copy permalink...
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT的使用 BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT是一个简单但常用的宏,顾名思义起到编译期 断言的功效,可以通过它,在编译时对开发环境以及类型定义进行检查。 此类型检测对程序运行时无任何效率和空间上的影响。 例如在namespace中加入 namespace my_conditions { ...
4.11.2 BOOST_STATIC_ CONSTANT 164 4.11.3 其他工具 165 4.12 utility 165 4.12.1 BOOST_BINARY 165 4.12.2 BOOST_CURRENT_ FUNCTION 166 4.13 总结 167 第5章 字符串与文本处理 5.1 lexical_cast 171 5.1.1 用法 172 5.1.2 异常bad_lexical_cast 173 ...
BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( unsigned, any_fxn_size =sizeof( max_align_for_funtion_pointer ) ); union any_fxn_pointer {voidconst* obj_ptr; generic_fxn * fxn_ptr; generic_mfn_ptr mfn_ptr; max_align_for_funtion_pointer m_; }; A member function pointer whose size is less than or equal...
4.10 uuid 146 4.10.1 类摘要 147 4.10.2 用法 148 4.10.3 生成器 150 4.10.4 增强的uuid类 152 4.10.5 与字符串的转换 153 4.10.6 SHA1摘要算法 154 4.11 config 155 4.11.1 BOOST_STRINGIZE 155 4.11.2 BOOST_STATIC_ 4.11.2 CONSTANT 155...